Confirm Data Integrity Processes for Contract Renewals

  • Updated


After renewing your Data Integrity contract, you must log in to Data Integrity to select and confirm the active, recurring processes (jobs) that you want carried over to your new contract. Demandbase makes copies of the processes you select, appends the new contract year to the process names, and sets the copied processes to run at the beginning of your new contract period. Any processes that you do not select to be carried over stop running when your current contract ends.


  1. To access the Data Integrity page for confirming process, do one of the following:
    • In the email you received from Demandbase confirming the contract renewal, click the click here to view and confirm link.
      Confirm Processes Email.png
    • On the Data Integrity Processes page, click the Contract Renewal link in the Action Items section.
      Confirm Processes App Page.png
  2. On the Confirm New Contract Year Processes page, select the checkboxes for the processes to carry over and click Confirm.
    Confirm Processes Selection.png
  3. In the confirmation window that opens, click Confirm.
    Confirm Processes Popup.png
    A message appears confirming your process selection.
  4. On the Process page, review the details of the copied processes in the Upcoming Processes section.
    Confirm Processes Upcoming.png