[POST] - Bulk Company Fetch API

  • Updated

Use the Bulk Company Fetch endpoint to retrieve company details. You can pass a maximum of 50 companyIds to retrieve their details.


POST https://api.insideview.com/api/v1/company/bulk


HTTP Headers

Header Name Type Required Description
accessToken String Yes The valid access token.
See Authentication and Authorization Overview for more details.
Accept String No Selects the response's content type.  
Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default).  
Content-Type String Required Application/JSON

Request Body

The request body should contain an array of company ids in JSON format separated with commas. The request can contain up to 50 company ids. 

Note: Bulk Company Fetch APIs accept only “companyIds" array If you enter duplicate IDs only one ID is accepted. If you enter Alphanumeric IDs, an invalid error is returned. If the Company IDs are not present in the database, the “company not present” error appears.

Example input data

  "companyIds": ["2546544", "hfdjjdjkd", "2546544", "1416385f" ,"1750717", "1750717", "757321768" , "1456802" ]


HTTP 200

Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header. 

Note: Some fields might require additional permissions to returned in the response.

Name type Description
requestedCompanyId String Requested company ID
city String  Company address: city 
companyId Integer Company InsideView id
currentCompanyId Integer Current company Id
companyStatus String Company status (Operating, Subsidiary, ...)
companyType String Company type (Private, Public, Subsidiary)
country String Company address: country 
foundationDate String Foundation date of the company
gender String Diversity status based on Gender
ethnicity String Diversity status based on Ethnicity
dbe Boolean Diversity status based on Disadvantages Business Ent. 
wbe  Boolean Diversity status based on Women Business Ent. 
mbe  Boolean Diversity status based on Minority Business Ent. 
vbe  Boolean Diversity status based on Veteran Business Ent.
disabled  Boolean Diversity status based on Disabled Business Ent. 
lgbt Boolean Diversity status based on Gay Lesbian business Ent. 
companyTaxId String US company Tax Id (if available)
employees String  Company employee count 
employeeRange String Range of number of employees
equifaxId Integer Company Equifax id
fax String Company fax number
financialYearEnd String Company financial year end month
industry String Company industry 
industryCode String Company industry code.
naics String Company NAICS code
naicsDescription String Company NAICS description
name String Company name
parentCompanyId String Parent company InsideView id
parentCompanyName String Parent company name
parentCompanyCountry String Parent company country
phone String Company phone number
revenue String Company revenue (Millions of $)
revenueCurrency String Company revenue's currency (USD, EUR, GBP)
revenueRange String Revenue range of the company
sic String Company SIC code
sicDescription String Company SIC description
sources List List of sources for company attributes (String)
state String Company address: state
street String Company address: street
subIndustry String Company sub-industry
subIndustryCode String Company sub-industry code
subsidiary Boolean Indicates wether the company is a subsidiary or not.
tickers Array Array of company's tickers details
tickers tickerName String  Ticker symbol 
tickers exchange  String  Exchange symbol
ultimateParentCompanyId String Ultimate parent company InsideView id
ultimateParentCompanyName String Ultimate parent company name
ultimateParentCompanyCountry String Ultimate parent company country
zip String Company address: zip code 
websites List List of company's web site URL (String)
britishSics List  List of British SIC Codes
britishSics britishSic String British SIC code
britishSics description String  British SIC code description
mostRecentQuarter String Most Recent Quarter Earning Date
companyFacebookProfile String Facebook profile of Company
companyTwitterProfile String  Twitter profile of Company
companyBlogProfile  String  Blog Url link of Company
companyLinkedInProfile  String LinkedIn profile of Company



The organizational structure of a company (globalParent, uncategorized, subsidiary, group, independent) 



Company status (operating, non-Operating, acquired, liquidating, outOfBusiness, unassigned



Company type (public, private, government, organization, unknown)



Number of company sites



Number of company sites that has site related information



Type of a site


application/json example

"requestedCompanyId": "2546544",
"company": {
"name": "Google LLC",
"companyType": "Private",
"companyStatus": "Subsidiary",
"industry": "Media",
"subIndustry": "Internet Search and Navigation Services",
"street": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
"city": "Mountain View",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94043",
"country": "United States",
"phone": "+1 650 253 0000",
"revenue": "182000.0",
"employees": "135301",
"subsidiary": "true",
"sic": "7375",
"sicDescription": "Information Retrieval Services",
"naics": "5192",
"naicsDescription": "Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services",
"parentCompanyId": "736233",
"ultimateParentId": "736233",
"equifaxId": "029154375",
"revenueCurrency": "USD",
"industryCode": "23",
"subIndustryCode": "23_8",
"britishSics": [
"britishSic": "63990",
"description": "Other information service activities n.e.c."
"parentCompanyCountry": "United States",
"ultimateParentCompanyCountry": "United States",
"ultimateParentCompanyName": "Alphabet Inc",
"parentCompanyName": "Alphabet Inc",
"foundationDate": "1998",
"companyFacebookProfile": "https://www.facebook.com/104958162837",
"companyTwitterProfile": "https://twitter.com/Google",
"companyBlogProfile": "https://www.blog.google/rss",
"companyLinkedInProfile": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/google",
"latitude": "37.422031",
"longitude": "-122.084327",
"currentCompanyId": 7573216,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating",
"siteTypes": [
"companyId": 2546544,
"websites": [
"sources": [
"User Generated",
"Web References",
"requestedCompanyId": "hfdjjdjkd",
"error": {
"errorCode": "400-102",
"errorMessage": "Company Id is not valid."
"requestedCompanyId": "1416385f",
"error": {
"errorCode": "400-102",
"errorMessage": "Company Id is not valid."
"requestedCompanyId": "1750717",
"company": {
"name": "Google India Pvt Ltd",
"companyType": "Private",
"companyStatus": "Subsidiary",
"industry": "Media",
"subIndustry": "Internet Search and Navigation Services",
"street": "No 3 Rmz Infinity - Tower E Old Madras Road 3rd, 4th, And 5th Floors",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"state": "Karnataka",
"zip": "560016",
"country": "India",
"phone": "+91 80672 18000",
"employees": "8000",
"subsidiary": "true",
"sic": "7375",
"sicDescription": "Information Retrieval Services",
"naics": "519290",
"naicsDescription": "Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services",
"parentCompanyId": "7573216",
"ultimateParentId": "736233",
"industryCode": "23",
"subIndustryCode": "23_8",
"britishSics": [
"britishSic": "63990",
"description": "Other information service activities n.e.c."
"parentCompanyCountry": "United States",
"ultimateParentCompanyCountry": "United States",
"ultimateParentCompanyName": "Alphabet Inc",
"parentCompanyName": "Google LLC",
"foundationDate": "2003",
"companyTwitterProfile": "https://twitter.com/IndiaToday",
"companyBlogProfile": "http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/109046633736305531422?alt=rss&kind=album&hl=en_US&access=public&imgmax=1600",
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating",
"siteTypes": [
"companyId": 1750717,
"websites": [
"sources": [
"Web References",
"requestedCompanyId": "757321768",
"error": {
"errorCode": "404-601",
"errorMessage": "company not present."
"requestedCompanyId": "1456802",
"company": {
"name": "Google Australia Pty. Ltd.",
"companyType": "Private",
"companyStatus": "Subsidiary",
"industry": "Corporate Services",
"subIndustry": "Advertising Agencies",
"street": "Level 5 48 Pirrama Road",
"city": "Sydney",
"state": "NSW",
"zip": "2009",
"country": "Australia",
"phone": "+61 2 9374 4000",
"employees": "350",
"subsidiary": "true",
"sic": "7311",
"sicDescription": "Services-Advertising Agencies",
"naics": "541810",
"naicsDescription": "Advertising Agencies",
"parentCompanyId": "7573216",
"ultimateParentId": "736233",
"industryCode": "12",
"subIndustryCode": "12_1",
"britishSics": [
"britishSic": "73110",
"description": "Advertising agencies"
"parentCompanyCountry": "United States",
"ultimateParentCompanyCountry": "United States",
"ultimateParentCompanyName": "Alphabet Inc",
"parentCompanyName": "Google LLC",
"foundationDate": "2002",
"companyBlogProfile": "http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/tzuyun1123/albumid/5345150043729291601?alt=rss&kind=photo&hl=en_US",
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating",
"siteTypes": [
"companyId": 1456802,
"websites": [
"sources": [
"Web References",

application/xml example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<source>User Generated</source>
<source>Web References</source>
<description>Other information service activities n.e.c.</description>
<city>Mountain View</city>
<country>United States</country>
<naicsDescription>Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services</naicsDescription>
<name>Google LLC</name>
<parentCompanyCountry>United States</parentCompanyCountry>
<parentCompanyName>Alphabet Inc</parentCompanyName>
<phone>+1 650 253 0000</phone>
<sicDescription>Information Retrieval Services</sicDescription>
<street>1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy</street>
<subIndustry>Internet Search and Navigation Services</subIndustry>
<ultimateParentCompanyCountry>United States</ultimateParentCompanyCountry>
<ultimateParentCompanyName>Alphabet Inc</ultimateParentCompanyName>
<errorMessage>Company Id is not valid.</errorMessage>
<errorMessage>Company Id is not valid.</errorMessage>
<source>Web References</source>
<description>Other information service activities n.e.c.</description>
<naicsDescription>Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services</naicsDescription>
<name>Google India Pvt Ltd</name>
<parentCompanyCountry>United States</parentCompanyCountry>
<parentCompanyName>Google LLC</parentCompanyName>
<phone>+91 80672 18000</phone>
<sicDescription>Information Retrieval Services</sicDescription>
<street>No 3 Rmz Infinity - Tower E Old Madras Road 3rd, 4th, And 5th Floors</street>
<subIndustry>Internet Search and Navigation Services</subIndustry>
<ultimateParentCompanyCountry>United States</ultimateParentCompanyCountry>
<ultimateParentCompanyName>Alphabet Inc</ultimateParentCompanyName>
<errorMessage>company not present.</errorMessage>
<source>Web References</source>
<description>Advertising agencies</description>
<industry>Corporate Services</industry>
<naicsDescription>Advertising Agencies</naicsDescription>
<name>Google Australia Pty. Ltd.</name>
<parentCompanyCountry>United States</parentCompanyCountry>
<parentCompanyName>Google LLC</parentCompanyName>
<phone>+61 2 9374 4000</phone>
<sicDescription>Services-Advertising Agencies</sicDescription>
<street>Level 5 48 Pirrama Road</street>
<subIndustry>Advertising Agencies</subIndustry>
<ultimateParentCompanyCountry>United States</ultimateParentCompanyCountry>
<ultimateParentCompanyName>Alphabet Inc</ultimateParentCompanyName>

HTTP 400

Company Id is not valid.

HTTP 401

Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.

HTTP 405

Method Not Allowed - HTTP method other than POST is not allowed.

HTTP 404

Invalid ID, record not present. company not present.

HTTP 429

Request is throttled.