Use this endpoint to auto-complete Company names based on the search query. The query can also return popular contacts within the searched company.
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes |
Valid access token. |
Accept | String | No | Selects the response's content type. Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default). |
Query Parameters
Returns the auto-complete company & contact results for a given query.
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
query | String | Yes | Query String for Company and Contact autoComplete |
entities | String | No | Valid values are 'company', 'contact', Default is both |
page | String | No | Page for result set |
resultsPerPage | Integer | No | The number of results in a page request. Min: 1, Max: 50, Default: 10 |
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
companies name | String | name of company based on query |
companies companyType | String | Company type (Private, Public, Subsidiary) |
companies industry | String | Company industry |
companies subIndustry | String | Company sub-industry |
companies city | String | Company address: city |
companies state | String | Company address: state |
companies country | String | Company address: country |
companies industryCode | String | Company industry code |
companies subIndustryCode | String | Company sub-industry code |
companies companyId | Integer | Company's insideView ID |
contacts companyId | Integer | Contact's InsideView Company ID |
contacts contactId | Integer | Contact's InsideView ID |
contacts titles | List | List of titles (String) |
contacts imageUrl | String | Contact's image URL |
contacts fullName | String | Contact's full name |
contacts companyName | String | Contact's company name |
resultsPerPage | Integer | Number of search result per page |
totalCompanyResults | Integer | Total number of companies in results page. |
page | Integer | Total number of pages. |
businessStructure |
String |
The organizational structure of a company (globalParent, uncategorized, subsidiary, group, independent) |
companyStatusV2 |
String |
Company status (operating, non-Operating, acquired, liquidating, outOfBusiness, unassigned) |
companyTypeV2 |
String |
Company type (public, private, government, organization, unknown) |
Note: The company and employment results are sorted in descending order based on Company and Exec popularity respectively.
Type: application/json
"companies": [
"name": "AdMob Google Inc.",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Computer Software",
"subIndustry": "Advertising Industry Software",
"city": "Mountain View",
"state": "CA",
"country": "United States",
"industryCode": "7",
"subIndustryCode": "7_21",
"companyId": 2546544,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google UK Limited",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Computer Software",
"city": "London",
"country": "United Kingdom",
"industryCode": "7",
"companyId": 1416385,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Ireland Limited",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Media",
"subIndustry": "Internet Search and Navigation Services",
"city": "Dublin",
"state": "Co. Dublin",
"country": "Ireland",
"industryCode": "23",
"subIndustryCode": "23_15",
"companyId": 1475170,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google India Private Limited",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Computer Software",
"subIndustry": "Collaborative Software",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"state": "Karnataka",
"country": "India",
"industryCode": "7",
"subIndustryCode": "7_13",
"companyId": 1750717,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Australia Pty. Ltd.",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Corporate Services",
"subIndustry": "Sales Promotion",
"city": "Sydney",
"state": "New South Wales",
"country": "Australia",
"industryCode": "11",
"subIndustryCode": "11_41",
"companyId": 1456802,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Affiliate Network Inc.",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Corporate Services",
"subIndustry": "Direct Marketing",
"country": "United States",
"industryCode": "11",
"subIndustryCode": "11_12",
"companyId": 1739593,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Germany GmbH",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Corporate Services",
"subIndustry": "Programming and Data Processing Services",
"city": "Hamburg",
"state": "Hamburg",
"country": "Germany",
"industryCode": "11",
"subIndustryCode": "11_9",
"companyId": 3221568,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Canada Corporation",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Computer Software",
"city": "Halifax",
"state": "NS",
"country": "Canada",
"industryCode": "7",
"companyId": 2725793,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Ventures",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Financial Services",
"subIndustry": "Venture Capital",
"city": "Mountain View",
"state": "CA",
"country": "United States",
"industryCode": "15",
"subIndustryCode": "15_33",
"companyId": 15183010,
"businessStructure": "Subsidiary",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"name": "Google Brasil Internet Ltda.",
"companyType": "Private",
"industry": "Corporate Services",
"subIndustry": "Marketing and Advertising",
"city": "Sao Paulo",
"state": "São Paulo",
"country": "Brazil",
"industryCode": "11",
"subIndustryCode": "11_27",
"companyId": 3221567,
"businessStructure": "globalParent",
"companyTypeV2": "Private",
"companyStatusV2": "Operating"
"contacts": [
"contactId": 11309612,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 1509601,
"companyName": "Google Finland OY",
"fullName": "Eric Schmidt",
"titles": [
"Executive Chairman"
"contactId": 11309941,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 2531488,
"companyName": "Google Earth",
"fullName": "John V. Hanke",
"titles": [
"Chief Executive officer and Director"
"contactId": 13932842,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 1509601,
"companyName": "Google Finland OY",
"fullName": "John V. Hanke",
"titles": [
"Varapääjohtaja, Tuotehallinta"
"contactId": 7076214,
"companyId": 1115342,
"companyName": "Google Product Search",
"fullName": "Marissa Mayer",
"titles": [
"Vice President"
"contactId": 8156430,
"companyId": 2546544,
"companyName": "AdMob Google Inc.",
"fullName": "Maynard George Webb",
"titles": [
"contactId": 11311948,
"companyId": 1750717,
"companyName": "Google India Private Limited",
"fullName": "Patrick Pichette",
"titles": [
"Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President"
"contactId": 89738305,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 7573216,
"companyName": "Google Inc.",
"fullName": "Kevin Scott",
"titles": [
"Sr. Engineering Director"
"contactId": 8218887,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 2546544,
"companyName": "AdMob Google Inc.",
"fullName": "Kevin Scott",
"titles": [
"Vice President of Engineering"
"contactId": 11309915,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 1509601,
"companyName": "Google Finland OY",
"fullName": "Sundar Pichai",
"titles": [
"Varapääjohtaja, Tuotehallinta"
"contactId": 89642249,
"imageUrl": "",
"companyId": 7573216,
"companyName": "Google Inc.",
"fullName": "Mike Jennings",
"titles": [
"Program Manager"
"resultsPerPage": 10
Type: application/xml
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<city>Mountain View</city>
<country>United States</country>
<industry>Computer Software</industry>
<name>AdMob Google Inc.</name>
<subIndustry>Advertising Industry Software</subIndustry>
<country>United Kingdom</country>
<industry>Computer Software</industry>
<name>Google UK Limited</name>
<name>Google Ireland Limited</name>
<state>Co. Dublin</state>
<subIndustry>Internet Search and Navigation Services</subIndustry>
<industry>Computer Software</industry>
<name>Google India Private Limited</name>
<subIndustry>Collaborative Software</subIndustry>
<industry>Corporate Services</industry>
<name>Google Australia Pty. Ltd.</name>
<state>New South Wales</state>
<subIndustry>Sales Promotion</subIndustry>
<country>United States</country>
<industry>Corporate Services</industry>
<name>Google Affiliate Network Inc.</name>
<subIndustry>Direct Marketing</subIndustry>
<industry>Corporate Services</industry>
<name>Google Germany GmbH</name>
<subIndustry>Programming and Data Processing Services</subIndustry>
<industry>Computer Software</industry>
<name>Google Canada Corporation</name>
<city>Mountain View</city>
<country>United States</country>
<industry>Financial Services</industry>
<name>Google Ventures</name>
<subIndustry>Venture Capital</subIndustry>
<city>Sao Paulo</city>
<industry>Corporate Services</industry>
<name>Google Brasil Internet Ltda.</name>
<state>São Paulo</state>
<subIndustry>Marketing and Advertising</subIndustry>
<title>Executive Chairman</title>
<companyName>Google Finland OY</companyName>
<fullName>Eric Schmidt</fullName>
<title>Chief Executive officer and Director</title>
<companyName>Google Earth</companyName>
<fullName>John V. Hanke</fullName>
<title>Varapääjohtaja, Tuotehallinta</title>
<companyName>Google Finland OY</companyName>
<fullName>John V. Hanke</fullName>
<title>Vice President</title>
<companyName>Google Product Search</companyName>
<fullName>Marissa Mayer</fullName>
<companyName>AdMob Google Inc.</companyName>
<fullName>Maynard George Webb</fullName>
<title>Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President</title>
<companyName>Google India Private Limited</companyName>
<fullName>Patrick Pichette</fullName>
<title>Sr. Engineering Director</title>
<companyName>Google Inc.</companyName>
<fullName>Kevin Scott</fullName>
<title>Vice President of Engineering</title>
<companyName>AdMob Google Inc.</companyName>
<fullName>Kevin Scott</fullName>
<title>Varapääjohtaja, Tuotehallinta</title>
<companyName>Google Finland OY</companyName>
<fullName>Sundar Pichai</fullName>
<title>Program Manager</title>
<companyName>Google Inc.</companyName>
<fullName>Mike Jennings</fullName>
HTTP 400
Invalid query parameter(s).
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.
HTTP 404
Invalid ID, record not found.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.