Use the Person Search endpoint to fetch a list of persons.
The elements in the persons list contain an id value and enough additional information such that a user could narrow down a selection from the list. Using the selected id values, you can retrieve additional person information through the Person Details endpoint.
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes |
Valid access token. |
Accept | String | No | Selects the response's content type. Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default). |
Query Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
String | Yes1 | Person email | |
lastName | String | Yes1 | Person last name |
firstName | String | No | Person first name |
middleName | String | No | Person middle name |
active | String | No | If present will return only active or inactive records, depending on the value (true or false) |
page | Integer | No | The page number of the result-set to return. Default: 1 |
resultsPerPage | Integer | No | The number of results in a page request. Min: 1, Max: 50, Default: 10 |
1: the request should include at least one of the two mandatory parameters.
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
contacts | Array | Array of search results |
contacts firstName | String | Contact's first name |
contacts middleName | String | Contact's middle name |
contacts lastName | String | Contact's last name |
contacts contactId | String | InsideView Contact ID |
contacts active | Boolean | Active / inactive employment flag |
page | Integer | Page number in the result set |
resultsPerPage | Integer | Number of search result per page |
totalResults | Integer | Total number of search results |
application/json example
{ "totalResults": 9, "page": 1, "resultsPerPage": 10, "contacts": [ { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 8802622, "active": false }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 8786617, "companyId": 731617, "active": false }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 8802620, "companyId": 1601884, "active": false }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 10171704, "active": false }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 8802619, "active": true }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 8802623, "active": false }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 10308588, "active": false }, { "firstName": "Christina", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 14473439, "active": true }, { "firstName": "Umberto", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Milletti", "contactId": 15698563, "active": true } ] }
application/xml example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <contacts> <contact> <active>false</active> <contactId>8802622</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> <middleName /> </contact> <contact> <active>false</active> <contactId>8786617</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> <middleName /> </contact> <contact> <active>false</active> <contactId>8802620</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> <middleName /> </contact> <contact> <active>false</active> <contactId>10171704</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> <middleName /> </contact> <contact> <active>true</active> <contactId>8802619</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> <middleName /> </contact> <contact> <active>false</active> <contactId>8802623</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> <middleName /> </contact> <contact> <active>false</active> <contactId>10308588</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> </contact> <contact> <active>true</active> <contactId>14473439</contactId> <firstName>Christina</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> </contact> <contact> <active>true</active> <contactId>15698563</contactId> <firstName>Umberto</firstName> <lastName>Milletti</lastName> </contact> <page>1</page> <resultsPerPage>10</resultsPerPage> <totalResults>9</totalResults> </contacts>
HTTP 400
Invalid query parameter(s).
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.