Use the Bulk Contact Fetch endpoint to retrieve contact details. You can pass a maximum of 50 contactIds to retrieve their details.
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes | Valid access token. See Authentication and Authorization Overview for more details. |
Accept | String | No | Selects the response's content type. Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default). |
Content-Type | String | Yes | Application/JSON |
Request Body
The request body should contain an array of contact ids in JSON format separated with commas. The request can contain up to 50 contact ids.
Note: Bulk Contact Fetch APIs accept only “contactIds" array. If you enter duplicate IDs only one ID is accepted. If you enter Alphanumeric IDs, an invalid error is returned. If the Company IDs are not present in the database, the “company not present” error appears.
Example input data
"contactIds": ["16935075", "16935075", "27964628", "4055734", "9879814", "56778f", "hdhujdj"]
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
companyId | Integer | Contact's company InsideView ID |
companyName | String | Contact's company name |
contactId | Integer | Contact InsideView ID |
description | String | Contact bio |
String | Contact email address | |
facebookHandle | String | Contact Facebook profile URL |
firstName | String | Contact first name |
lastName | String | Contact last name |
fullName | String | Contact full name |
imageUrl | String | Contact image URL |
linkedinHandle | String | Contact LinkedIn profile URL |
phone | String | Contact phone number |
confidenceScore | String | The min or maximum confidence score for a contact's email |
emailValidationStatus | String | Return the validation status of the email. Such as ValidEmail or ValidDomain |
twitterHandle | String | Contact Twitter profile URL |
education | Array | Array of contact's education details |
education degree | String | |
education major | String | |
education university | String | |
titles | List | List of contact's titles (String) |
Confidence Score | Double | A percentage score based on Last validated date, Recency, Source, and Popularity |
sources | List | List of sources for contact attributes (String) |
active | Boolean | Active / inactive employment flag |
jobLevelsV2 | Array | An array of a newer version of the job levels |
jobFunctionsV2 | Array | An array of a newer version of the job functions |
jobLevels | Array | An array of job levels |
jobFunctions | Array | An array of job functions |
peopleId | String | People Id |
age | String | Age |
salary | String | Salary |
salaryCurrency | String | Salary Currency |
phoneType | String |
Returns CORPORATE and DIRECT phone number of an executive. Note: The Direct phone number is only available for InsideView customers and not OEM partners. |
application/json example
[ { "requestedContactId": "16935075", "contact": { "contactId": 16935075, "firstName": "Satya", "lastName": "Nadella", "imageUrl": "", "companyId": 4055734, "companyName": "Pensions & Investments Group", "email": "", "emailValidationStatus": "ValidEmail", "phone": "+1 212 210 0100", "twitterHandle": "", "age": "53", "active": true, "peopleId": "GZ2OaOPeGBU6r7zpZNalqPH3x_u0EXHw1laO0cyU3oy6Xywe6RokPiHKn09joKJW", "fullName": "Satya Nadella", "confidenceScore": 0.8, "corporatePhone": "+1 212 210 0100", "sources": [ "InsideView" ], "titles": [ "CEO" ], "emails": [ { "email": "", "validationStatus": "ValidEmail" } ] } }, { "requestedContactId": "27964628", "contact": { "contactId": 27964628, "firstName": "satya", "lastName": "Nadella", "imageUrl": "", "companyId": 726263, "companyName": "Microsoft Corporation", "phone": "+1 425 882 8080", "twitterHandle": "", "active": true, "peopleId": "Eul9Pskiz6dMjmxsBRV6XIqdMmHGWOFiW6XVlLt3rEXQsK-WUOidJY956KhNTdur", "fullName": "satya Nadella", "corporatePhone": "+1 425 882 8080", "sources": [ "Community" ], "titles": [ "Chief Executive Officer" ] } }, { "requestedContactId": "4055734", "error": { "errorCode": "404-602", "errorMessage": "contact not found." } }, { "requestedContactId": "9879814", "contact": { "contactId": 9879814, "firstName": "Bala", "lastName": "Nadella", "companyId": 1289414, "companyName": "Aditya Birla Minacs IT Services Limited", "phone": "91 80 6616 8000", "age": "40", "active": true, "jobLevels": [ "Other" ], "jobFunctions": [ "IT & IS" ], "jobLevelsV2": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Board Member" }, { "id": "1", "name": "C Level" } ], "jobFunctionsV2": [ { "id": "22", "name": "Others" } ] }, { "peopleId": "Qs-W_Rp2u-z_NEoHL7TEIFYi82GUO-ljiHpy_R-RjybvmmjQ7xjet8E3wj9Men8p", "fullName": "Bala Nadella", "corporatePhone": "91 80 6616 8000", "sources": [ "InsideView" ], "titles": [ "Practice Head of ERP" ] } }, { "requestedContactId": "56778f", "error": { "errorCode": "400-110", "errorMessage": "Contact id is not valid." } }, { "requestedContactId": "hdhujdj", "error": { "errorCode": "400-110", "errorMessage": "Contact id is not valid." } } ]
application/xml example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<companyName>Pensions & Investments Group</companyName>
<corporatePhone>+1 212 210 0100</corporatePhone>
<fullName>Satya Nadella</fullName>
<phone>+1 212 210 0100</phone>
<titles><title>Chief Executive Officer</title></titles>
<companyName>Microsoft Corporation</companyName>
<corporatePhone>+1 425 882 8080</corporatePhone>
<fullName>satya Nadella</fullName>
<phone>+1 425 882 8080</phone>
<errorMessage>contact not found.</errorMessage>
<title>Practice Head of ERP</title></titles>
<name>Board Member</name>
<name>C Level</name>
<jobFunction>IT & IS</jobFunction></jobFunctions>
<companyName>Aditya Birla Minacs IT Services Limited</companyName>
<corporatePhone>91 80 6616 8000</corporatePhone>
<fullName>Bala Nadella</fullName>
<phone>91 80 6616 8000</phone>
<errorMessage>Contact id is not valid.</errorMessage>
<errorMessage>Contact id is not valid.</errorMessage>
HTTP 400
Contact Id is not valid.
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in the header.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - HTTP method other than POST is not allowed.
HTTP 404
Invalid ID, record not present. Contact not present.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.