Set Up an Integration User for Demandbase in Salesforce

  • Updated

Salesforce Integration User for Demandbase

An integration user is required to create a communication channel between Demandbase and Salesforce. 


  • We recommend you create an API only integration user in your Salesforce, which can be used across your organization to access Demandbase data.  The API only integration user can be created and configured only by a Salesforce System Administrator and the integration user credentials is used by all users in your organization.
  • An Admin user can act as a substitute if your company does not want to create an API only Integration user.
  • Data Integrity is only supported for Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions of Salesforce. 
  • If you have an Insights license, you may see the following permissions error message when logging into the admin tool. You can disregard the message. 

Best Practices when Creating an Integration User

Follow these best practices:

  • Create an integration user with Administrative permissions, solely for integration purposes.
  • Make sure to select the API Enabled and API Only User checkboxes to allow an integration user to log in via API.
  • A Salesforce API user must log in first for authentication.                                 

For more information, read Salesforce’s help documentation:   


  • For the lead to account mappings and account hierarchies feature, you need to enable the Customize Application permission in the Salesforce user profile
  • For the Salesforce User Profile, make sure the Run Flow permission is not overridden. 
    • In Classic edition, go to Setup Workflow & Approvals Flows Security and check the Run Flow permission.
    • In Lightning edition, go to Setup Workflow & Approvals Flows Edit Access and the check the Run Flow permission.DI_Run_Flow_Permission.png

Steps: Set Up an API Only Profile in Salesforce

Step Description Details
 1 In Salesforce, go to setup Go to Setup and select Profiles under Manage Users.


 2 Create a new profile In the User Profiles list, click New.


 3 Clone existing profile To clone an existing profile, you must have a full Salesforce license. For example, select a standard or read-only user for creating an API user profile.

Set the Profile Name to be "API Only" and click Save.


 4 Edit the profile  Once you save the new profile, an overview of the profile is displayed. Click Edit as illustrated below:


 5 Set the required permissions segment Make sure that the Accounts object is set to Read, Create, Edit and View All permissions under the Standard Object Permissions.    



 6 Check API only permission

(Optional) If you don't want the API Only user account to be allowed access to the Salesforce website dashboards, go to Administrative Permissions and select the API Only User check box.

Salesforce Enterprise and Unlimited users only: To enable access via an API, select the API Enabled check box. 


Note: The following fields will NOT be available in global field mapping but will be synced to CRM as hidden fields. All products including Data Integrity, Sales, and Target which push data to CRM should sync these fields.

Account and Lead Entity

  • InsideView Company Id
  • InsideView Parent Id
  • InsideView Ultimate Parent Id

Contact and Lead Entity

  • Executive Id
  • Employment Id
 7 Save Scroll down and click Save.


Steps: Set Up a User with API Only Profile Salesforce

Once the API Only profile is set up, create a user with this profile.

Step Description Details
 1 In Salesforce, go to users In the API Only profile overview page, click View Users.


 2 Create a new user In the User Profiles list, click New.


Click New User.


 3 Enter new user details In the New User page, set the User License to Salesforce and the Profile as API Only, as illustrated below:



 4 Save Scroll down and click Save.

Now you can use this newly created integration user - under the API Only profile - to initialize the connection between InsideView and Salesforce.