Demandbase's database contains company and contact information aggregated from more than 40,000 data sources. We use our proprietary algorithm to match the information in our database against searches by our users and information in our customer’s CRM. Demandbase does not change or extract existing data from our users’ CRMs or use data from any third-party CRMs.
The following are some of the sources Demandbase uses to aggregate, harvest, and validate the data:
- Demandbase
- Cortera
- Reuters
- Equifax
- Link LSV
- Communities
- Web References
Note: When you use Enrich, Demandbase does not manipulate the CRM data, unless you decide to overwrite the existing data with our enriched data.
How company and contact information is matched?
When users selects the fields for a company or an executive search in a Company or People list build, their selection triggers our proprietary algorithm to validate the accuracy of the data using various parameters. For example, parameters will match contact information for an executive only with active employments or based on the popularity results that are aggregated from an executive’s profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, or News feeds.
To match the company information, our proprietary algorithm:
- Matches the fields that are provided for a company search. For example, an Demandbase user enters company name, email and website fields.
- Matches the company name, email, and website in the Demandbase database.
- Matches other fields that are available in the database. Fields such as country, street, state, city and zip code etc.
- Performs fuzzy search to fix spelling errors while matching the information.
- Sorts the matched results based on an internal score and popularity on LinkedIn, Twitter, and News feed.
To search an executive’s contact information, our proprietary algorithm:
- First matches for company in the database, and then executives are matched within that company.
- Then matches email and website against the URL domain list for the company and matches other fields that are available in the database.
- Verifies only active employments to match the most recent employment.
- Sorts the results based on an internal scoring and executive’s popularity on LinkedIn, Twitter and News feeds to maintain a high-level of accuracy.
Tips to improve the accuracy rate of results:
- If you enter Country name as an input, the algorithm limits results that are specific to that country.
Job Title field is not mandatory for matching but improves accuracy rate of the results.
Because, in some cases, the Job Title search uses common abbreviations for a job title, and retrieves the expanded set of job titles in the search results.
For example:
- If you search with the keyword VP, the search result will return executives/contacts with Vice President as their job title.
- If you search with the keyword CEO, the search result will return executives/contact with Chief Executive Officer as their job title.
However, in most of the cases, the search results are not retrieved because Demandbase's algorithm does not recognize all fuzzy keywords as job titles.
For example:
- If you search for SVP, results will not return executives/contacts with Senior Vice President job title.
- If you search for CSO, results will not return executives/contacts with Chief Security Officer job title.