[GET] - Person Details {deprecated}

  • Updated

Use the Person Details endpoint to fetch details about a person once you know its id. You can choose to retrieve all or some of the details of the person.

The person id can be obtained either through the Person API Person Search.


GET https://api.insideview.com/api/v1/person/{id}


HTTP Headers

Header Name Type Required Description
accessToken String Yes

Valid access token.
See Authentication and Authorization Overview for more details.

Accept String No Selects the response's content type.  
Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default).  

URI Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
id String Yes Person id

Query Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
fields String No Comma separated list of fields to include in the response.  
Use this parameter if you are interested in only a few fields to reduce the amount of data retrieved.
Ex: fields=lastName,firstName,twitterHandle


HTTP 200

Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header. 

Name type Description
contactId Integer Contact InsideView ID
description String Contact bio
facebookHandle String Contact Facebook profile URL
firstName String Contact first name
imageUrl String Contact image URL
lastName String Contact last name
linkedHandle String Contact LinkedIn profile URL
twitterHandle String Contact Twitter profile URL
education Array Array of contact's education details
education degree String  
education  major String  
education university  String   
sources List List of sources for contact attributes (String)

application/json example

        "Chief Executive Officer & Founder"
        "User Generated",
        "Web References",
        "Social Media"

application/xml example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <source>User Generated</source>
        <source>Web References</source>
        <source>Social Media</source>
        <title>Chief Executive Officer &amp; Founder</title>

HTTP 400

Invalid query parameter(s).

HTTP 401

Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.

HTTP 405

Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.

HTTP 404

Invalid ID, record not found.

HTTP 429

Request is throttled.