Why are only new leads enriched in Salesforce after upgrading to the latest Enrich?
When you install the latest version of Enrich, by default, only newly created leads would be enriched. You can change this default behavior with workflow rules that provide the flexibility to enrich only newly created leads or enrich existing as well as newly created leads.
- After installing the latest version of Enrich in Salesforce CRM, navigate to Setup (App Setup) > Create > Workflow & Approvals > Workflow Rules.
By default, Enrich is configured to enrich only newly created leads.
- To enrich existing as well as newly created leads, activate Lead Outbound Rule and deactivate Lead Outbound Rule (For New Leads Only) workflow as shown below:
Warning: If you enable enrichment for existing leads all of your existing workflows or rules for leads will also be enriched. Enrichment may trigger workflows, assignment rules, and/or other automation rules that may apply after field values are changed post enrichment. Changes to records cannot be rolled back after enrichment, unless you have a backup for those leads that was created before enabling the “Lead Outbound Rule” workflow.
Is it possible to enrich leads that are already enriched?
No. Leads that are already enriched cannot be enriched again.
If a lead is not enriched, Enrich tries to enrich that lead automatically whenever you update the lead details. To trigger manual enrichment for all Not Enriched leads, you must either edit and save each lead or perform a bulk edit using bulk automation tools. Enrichment is triggered automatically whenever you save leads.
Why aren't leads enriched in Marketo?
If the lead is not enriched in Marketo, check the activity log for that particular lead.
- Go to the activity log under Lead created > Look for Call Webhook and click as shown below:
- Check activity details as shown in the screen below:
What versions of Salesforce CRM, Microsoft CRM and Marketo are supported?
- Salesforce CRM: Enterprise and Unlimited editions
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online: 2015, 2013 and 2011
- Marketo: Standard, Select, and Enterprise editions.
Note: Marketo’s Spark edition does not have webhooks and it is not supported.
What are the values in the Company type and Company Status fields when enrichment takes place?
The following values are enriched:
- Company Type – Private, Public, Government and School.
- Company Status – Operating, Subsidiary and Acquired.
How do I overwrite data in Salesforce?
Select the Overwrite Existing check box in the Field Mapping tab to overwrite lead data from the Demandbase database to Salesforce CRM.
To learn more, read the How Does Enrich Map Data article in our Knowledge Base
Why is a particular field not enriched for all leads?
There can be a mismatch in the datatypes and hence the field is not enriched.
What do the Fill rates in the Admin Dashboard indicate?
The Fill rates in the administration dashboard represent the field level availability of data in Enrich for the matched records. This does not mean that all data is enriched. The data.csv export file contains only data that is enriched.
Why aren't leads enriched for all users in Salesforce?
There could be multiple causes for leads not being enriched for all users in Salesforce. The following are some causes:
Cause: The Salesforce administrator might not have selected the Install for All Users option during installation.
Solution: To resolve this issue, the Salesforce administrator must re-install Enrich and select the appropriate option (i.e. Install for All Users).
Cause: When a primary administrator does not exist for your account leads are not enriched.
Solution: To resolve this issue, go to the administration dashboard to check if primary administrator exists. If it does not exist, change any of the existing administrators to a primary administrator.
How do I add users to a Enrich account?
To add users to a Enrich account, the system administrator must send the sign-in URL (https://marketing.insideview.com/marketing/admin/signin) to users, so that they can register with Enrich. Once a user is registered, the system will automatically add them to the existing account by matching the company details.
The system administrator can log in to the Enrich administration page to view and authorize user's account.
In case of Marketo, the primary administrator must follow these steps:
- Log in with Marketo admin user credentials and then go to Settings > User Management page and click Add User.
- Enter the email address of the user that you want to add.
- Enrich sends the following email notification:
- Click the here link and enter the user details as illustrated below:
- Click Submit.
How can I identify the incorrect validation rule when I see the error message on the Enrich dashboard?
The Salesforce validation rule error occurs when you create or modify a lead that has a predefined validation rule setup for an organization in the CRM.
Validation rules ensure that the data that you have entered meet the standards set by your organization for each field. If the value does not meet the standards, the record is not saved and the lead enrichment fails in Salesforce CRM. An error message is displayed in the ‘Error Logs’ column on the Enrich Dashboard > Error Logs:
To redefine the validation rule based on your organizations's rules:
- Log in to Salesforce.
- Navigate to Setup > Customize> Leads> Validation Rules.
- Search for the message under the ‘Error Message’ column in Salesforce and match it with the message in the Enrich dashboard.
- Once you have identified the validation rule, deactivate that rule and make necessary changes as per your country or region.
- Click Save.
When does Enrich no longer use the remote access authorization token to enrich leads from your Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
Enrich uses an access and a refresh token from your Microsoft Dynamics CRM to enrich the lead data.
By default, Microsoft Azure AD refresh tokens are valid for about 14 days. This means as long as you refresh these tokens by signing into your Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Enrich can use the remote access authorization token and there is no need to re-authenticate a valid token.
Note: If there is no activity in your CRM or Enrich for 14 days, the access and refresh tokens expire and Enrich no longer uses them to enrich the lead data.
As per Microsoft’s documentation, the life time for an access token is 1 hour and for a refresh token is up to 14 days.
If these tokens are not refreshed within the specified time, Enrich will send the following email notification.
To avoid this problem, you must either create a lead in Microsoft Dynamics CRM within 14 days.
Another security constraint that Azure AD imposes is that the access token can only be refreshed for a maximum period of 90 days. (i.e. 90 days after the initial issuance of the access and refresh tokens, the end user will have to sign in again).
This is done by Azure AD to enforce a better security measures and it still gives a convenient access to mobile users. Currently, these settings are not configurable in Azure AD, so we just go with the default ones.
Why does an access token expire?
An access token expires due to NO active usage of your Microsoft Dynamics account. To mitigate this inactivity issue, you must login to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance once in every 14 days.
In case of Salesforce CRM, Eloqua and Marketo marketing automation(MA) integrations it can happen only if there is an explicit change in permissions in the CRM/MA . An access token can also expire if your administrator revokes your access to SOAP/REST API permissions in your CRM/MA.