Setting Up InsideView Refresh in Salesforce CRM

  • Updated

This article outlines the procedure to complete your account setup after your InsideView Refresh account is authorized by an InsideView Customer Success Manager (CSM). 

Only Administrators can configure the InsideView Refresh for Salesforce CRM account.

InsideView managed package will add Account, Contact and Lead Outbound workflow rules when you log in to your Salesforce instance after installing the latest package. These workflow rule components are required to push account and contact matches and updates from InsideView Refresh into your CRM and for future capabilities.

Note: If your organization restricts network access to third party applications, please ask your IT administrator to add the following IP address ranges to allow updates from InsideView:

  • to

Caution: The InsideView Refresh managed package will add an active workflow rule when installed.  By default, Salesforce has a limit of 50 active workflow rules in a production environment and 10 in a Sandbox instance, we recommend you to check the number of active workflow rules in your Salesforce instance. If that number is already 50 in Production or 10 in Sandbox,  one of the rules must be set to ‘inactive’ (or deleted), or the following error message is displayed:

Exceeded maximum number (50)/(10) of active workflow rules or approval processes for Account records.

However, you can increase the number of active workflow rules in your Salesforce CRM. For more information, refer to the Salesforce documentation.

Supported Web Browsers

The Web browsers which support Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 and 1.2 protocols to install InsideView Refresh are:

Web Browsers Versions
Google Chrome Current and last major revision
Firefox Current and last major revision
Microsoft Edge Current and last major revision
Safari Current and last major revision

Supported Salesforce CRM Versions

InsideView Refresh supports Salesforce CRM Enterprise and Unlimited Editions.

Configuring InsideView Refresh for Salesforce CRM consists of the following tasks:


Make sure you have required roles, created a backup of your data and enabled field auditing before your proceed with InsideView Refresh Installation.

Roles Required to Authenticate Access

To install InsideView Refresh, you must have the Salesforce administrator role with CRUD permissions on the Account, Contact and Lead objects in the CRM.

The Salesforce account administrator must grant the View Setup and Configuration access to the standard users to allow them to view InsideView Refresh setup pages(i.e. view the object details, page layouts, and other components) that required for InsideView configuration. The account administrator must go to the Profile/Permission Set page under the System Permissions and enable the View Setup and Configuration checkbox. 


To learn more, read the Salesforce Help documentation.

Create a Backup of Your Salesforce Account and Contact Data

Before installing InsideView Refresh, backup your Salesforce CRM account and contact records.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce CRM.
  2. In the Classic edition, go to Setup Data Management Data Export and click Export Now.

    In the Lightning edition, go to Setup Data Export and click Export Now.

    Note: The Export Now option is only available if you not exported files manually in the past six weeks.

  3. In the Exported Data section, select the Account check box and then click Start Export.
  4. Once the account data export is completed, click the link in the email notification or click Data Export  to download .zip file(s).
  5. To backup your contact records, in the Exported Data section, select the Contact check box and then click Start Export.
  6. Once the contact data export is completed, click the link in the email notification or click Data Export to download .zip file(s).

    Salesforce creates a .zip archive of .csv files and then emails you when files are ready. If you export a large account file it is split into multiples files.

    Note: The steps to create a backup of account records might be different for the Salesforce Enterprise and Unlimited Editions. InsideView recommends you to refer the Salesforce documentation for more recent instructions on their website.

Enable Field History Tracking for Accounts in Salesforce CRM

Before installing InsideView Refresh, you must enable field history tracking for users in the Salesforce CRM account and contact fields to restore previous information when automated cleaning processed is used to update Salesforce records. Field tracking is optional for some fields.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
  2. In the Classic edition, go to Setup Customize Account and select Fields.

    In the Lightning edition, go to Setup Object Manager Account and select Fields and Relationships.

  3. Click Set History Tracking and enable history tracking for Accounts object.

    select Enable Account History

  4. To set history tracking for these Account fields, as a minimum. You can also track custom fields that you have mapped:
    • Account Name
    • Account Owner
    • Annual Revenue
    • Billing Address 
    • Employees
    • Industry
    • Ownership
    • Phone
    • Fax
    • Ticker Symbol
    • Website
  5. To set field history tracking for contact fields, in the Classic edition, go to  Setup Customize Contact and select Fields.

    In the Lightning edition, go to Setup Object Manager Contact and select Fields and Relationships.

  6. Click Set History Tracking and enable history tracking for Contacts object.

    select Enable Contact History

  7. To set history tracking for these Contact fields, as a minimum. You can also track custom fields that you have mapped:
    • Email
    • Mailing City
    • Mailing Country
    • Mailing State/Province
    • First Name 
    • Last Name
    • Mobile Phone
    • Title
  8. Click Save.

For the latest information on how to enable history tracking for Salesforce accounts, refer to their online documentation.

Install the InsideView Refresh package in your Salesforce CRM

You can install InsideView Refresh in your Salesforce CRM either in the sandbox or production instance. 

It is a best practice to install InsideView Refresh in your Salesforce CRM in the Sandbox first and then move to a production environment.

To install InsideView's package, follow the instructions in the Installing InsideView in Salesforce CRM in our Knowledge Base.

Note: When a Salesforce CRM instance is refreshed, the field mappings and filters associated with the existing ORG ID˟˟ are lost. To access InsideView Refresh again, the new CRM instance has to be provisioned before the InsideView Refresh package is re-installed. To do this, contact your CSM.


The reason the field mappings and filters of the Sandbox are lost is because the ORG ID and URL of the Sandbox instance in question, changes after a Sandbox Refresh. For example, ORG URL changes from cs45 to cs25 or cs30. Since both, the ORG ID and the URL change, it is not possible to treat this as the older Org ID. This will be, from InsideView Refresh's standpoint treated as a New Org ID, which explains why you do not see the filters.


Step Description Details
1 Go to the InsideView Refresh page Click here to go to InsideView Refresh home page and select the login option.

2 Log in and allow OAuth access Log in to InsideView Refresh with your Salesforce account credentials.

  • Choose Production and enter your Salesforce login credentials.

  • Click Log in to Salesforce.
  • To grant OAuth access to Salesforce CRM, click Allow as shown below:


  • The OAuth authentication will grant access to the following modules: 

    • Basic details
    • Manage data
    • View data via the Web
    • Manage your Chatter data
    • Custom applications
    • Unique identifier
    • Custom permission
    • Manage your Wave data
    • Perform requests on your behalf anytime
3 Review the installation components

InsideView Refresh will add and populate the following custom fields and workflow rule in your Salesforce CRM:

Important Note: After installing InsideView package, when you log in to your Salesforce CRM the following custom fields and workflow components are added to your CRM. You must not delete these custom fields and workflow rules under any circumstances. These custom fields and workflow rule components are required to push the matches and updates from InsideView Refresh into your CRM.

Custom Fields:

  • MatchedStatus
  • LastUpdatedDateByIV

Workflow components:

  • InsideView Accounts Outbound Message
  • InsideView Contacts Outbound Message
  • InsideView Outbound Rule for Accounts
  • InsideView Outbound Rule for Contacts
  • InsideView Outbound Rule for New Accounts
  • InsideView Outbound Rule for New Accounts


Build an InsideView Refresh List

InsideView Refresh allows you receive updates and review matches for your Salesforce CRM account data based on filters you define. To control which accounts are managed by InsideView Refresh, create a filter by following the steps below: 

Step Description Details
1 Go to the InsideView Refresh page To build a new filter, click Start.

This screen appears when are build a list for the first time in InsideView Refresh:

If you have already defined few lists, you need to choose any of the following option:


For example, select the New List from Criteria option to build a new list using search criteria filters.

2 Define rule details In the Define your rule for selecting accounts page, enter the following filter details shown:


Filter Details

  • List Name – name of the list.
  • Priority – Set the priority value from 1 to 3.
  • Manage Matched accounts – choose either to Include or Exclude option to matched accounts.
  • Also manage contacts associated with matched accounts – select this check box to receive contact matches and updates from your matched accounts. If this check box is not enabled for your InsideView Refresh account, the following error message appears. refresh_list3_small.png

    In this case, you must contact to provision your account to manage contact matches and updates.

  • Add Rule - define the search filter criteria for your list with field name, operator and its value. Here are the filter criterion definitions:
    • Field Name – Enter the field that you want to search account data. For example, you can enter Account Name or Account Type.
    • Operator – select an operator for the field that you want to match. For example, select equals, not equals, greater than or lesser than and so on.
    • Value – enter appropriate value for field and operator that you have selected. For example, for the name field with operator equals you can enter account name keywords in the Value field.

Note: You can add five filters only. Exclude filter takes the highest priority.

Click Next.

3 Map fields On the Field Mapping tab, by default some InsideView Refresh fields are mapped to your Salesforce CRM fields. You can edit the custom field mapping as illustrated below:


You can select the following options:

  • Overwrite – Always push field values automatically into your CRM, overwriting your existing values.
  • Update, if blank – Push field values automatically into your CRM only when the particular field is empty.

    Note: When Overwrite and Update, if Blank options are selected, updates are directly pushed into Salesforce CRM. You cannot review them in the InsideView Refresh Dashboard. 

  • Flag only – Send email notifications based on the frequency settings in production instance only. These updates will also be visible in the Review Updates section.

Note: You can set any option (Overwrite, Update, if blank or Flag Only) for all fields by selecting the option at the top. The option selected will be common for all fields.


Click Next.

4 Set Frequency

You can configure the frequency at which you want to receive updates from InsideView Refresh.

On the Set Frequency page, select the type as shown below:

Note: The Start Date and Start Time indicates that the updates will be sent to your CRM from that specified date and time onwards.

You can select the following frequency types:

  • Daily – To receive updates on a daily basis.
  • Weekly – To receive updates from InsideView Refresh on a weekly basis on a specific time.
  • Monthly – To receive updates on a monthly basis on specific time.
  • Select the Run now and at the scheduled date and time check box to run the rule immediately.
  • Click Next
5 Complete the list Review the filter details and click Finish to complete the list and close the page.
6 Run and View the filter To run the list that you have just created, scroll down on the InsideView Refresh home page as shown below:


Select a filter and do any of the following actions:

  • Click the Run or Play icon to execute a list. The Run pop-up appears. When you click Run Now, depending on the number of account records to be fetched, process time to execute a filter might take minimum of 20 mins.


  • Click the Edit icon to edit a filter.
  • Click the Delete icon to delete a filter.

Upload Salesforce Account Data

InsideView Refresh allows you to upload your Salesforce CRM account data file and update it with the latest information.

Note: In this release, you can add five filters and upload one file. If you add both a filter and upload a file, the file takes the highest priority. The file that you upload will always work according to an “include only” rule. The include only rule will add all accounts from the file into InsideView Refresh and sync account updates into Salesforce CRM.

Any additional file which you upload will replace the existing set of records with the new accounts in the file.

Step Description Details
1 Go to the New List page In the InsideView Refresh dashboard, click New and to upload account data, click Start in the Upload a File region.

2 Select the data file On the Open pop-up window, select the file you want to upload, as shown below:

Note: The .csv file that you have exported from your Salesforce CRM must include only the Account IDs. The header of the column containing the data you wish to import into InsideView Refresh should be ‘CRM Account ID’.

3 Review upload status

Once you select a .csv file, the upload status tracker is appears.

4. Complete the setup

Once the file is uploaded, follow steps to in the Add an InsideView Refresh Filter section above to add a filter for the accounts data from the file.


Review Matches

Once you build a list or upload an account or contact file, complete the steps described above and then click Finish and Run to execute the filter. 

The Managed Records results is displayed with the Total Records and Total Updates that available to sync from InsideView Refresh into your Salesforce CRM as illustrated below:


To review matches and updates from InsideView Refresh:

  1. Click the Account Matches donut chart region to open the Review Matches page. For more information, read the article Reviewing Account Matches in Salesforce CRM.
  2. Click the Contact Matches donut chart to review the contacts matches based on matched accounts. For more information, read the article Reviewing Contact Matches in Salesforce CRM.

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