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The Map Fields option is available when you access Sales Intelligence through CRM. You can map Sales Intelligence fields to your CRM custom fields and sync data to those fields.
Step | Description | Details |
1 | Open the Account Admin page | Click the drop-down arrow next to your profile icon and select Account Admin. |
2 | Go to Map Fields |
Click on Map Fields. The Map Fields page displays the Sales Intelligence fields available for Accounts, Contacts, and Leads. Note: The map fields option is visible only when you have an active CRM session. |
3 | Map the desired Fields to the CRM Custom Field |
Scroll to the Sales Intelligence field you want to map to your CRM. Click on the drop down arrow in the corresponding CRM custom field box. Search for and select the correct CRM custom field. Click Save. |
4 | Create a Custom Field |
If the custom field does not exist in your CRM, click Add a Custom Field. Enter a custom field name and click Save. Demandbase creates the custom field in your CRM on your behalf. |
5 | Apply Export Settings | Click on Account export settings to choose the default behavior when exporting bulk or single records from Sales Intelligence.
Update existing records in CRM - Demandbase updates existing account records in your CRM. Create new records in CRM - Demandbase creates new account records in your CRM. Create duplicate records in CRM - Demandbase creates duplicate account records in your CRM. Branch Export - Using branch information, Demandbase creates new account records in your CRM. Click Save. |
6 | Apply Field Level Settings | For each field, the Admin can choose when to sync data to CRM.
Tip: You can apply the same setting for all fields by choosing the option from the header drop-down. No restrictions - All Demandbase data is synced to CRM, overwriting existing data. Update, if blank - Demandbase data is synced only if the CRM value is blank. Do not update - Demandbase data is not synced to CRM. |
7 | Save the Field Mappings | Once you have mapped all Demandbase fields to your CRM custom fields, click Save. |