This endpoint will provide the complete family tree for a requested company starting from Ultimate parent company. The API will return Name, City, State and Country information of all companies in the family tree. The response also include any acquisitions by Ultimate parent company where applicable.
The company id can be obtained either through the Data API Company Search or through the Enrich API Enrich (or its bulk version).
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes | Valid access token. See Authentication and Authorization Overview for more details. |
Accept | String | No | Selects the response's content type. Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default). |
Accept-Language | String | No | Select the response's language and locale. Default value: en-en See Internationalization Support for more details. |
URI Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
companyId | String | Yes | Company ID |
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
requestedCompany | Object | Details of Requested Company |
requestedCompanyname | String | Company name |
requestedCompanycity | String | City |
requestedCompanystate | String | State |
requestedCompanycountry | String | Country |
requestedCompanycompanyId | Integer | Company Id |
familyTree | Object | |
familyTreefamilyTreeCompany | Object | |
familyTreefamilyTreeCompanyname | String | Company name |
familyTreefamilyTreeCompanycity | String | City |
familyTreefamilyTreeCompanystate | String | State |
familyTreefamilyTreeCompanycountry | String | Country |
familyTreefamilyTreeCompanycompanyId | Integer | Company Id |
familyTreechildren | array | |
familyTreechildrenfamilyTreeCompany | Object | |
familyTreechildrenfamilyTreeCompanyname | String | Company name |
familyTreechildrenfamilyTreeCompanycity | String | City |
familyTreechildrenfamilyTreeCompanystate | String | State |
familyTreechildrenfamilyTreeCompanycountry | String | Country |
familyTreechildrenfamilyTreeCompanycompanyId | Integer | Company Id |
acquisitions | Object | |
acquisitionscompanies | Array | |
acquisitionscompaniesname | String | Company name |
acquisitionscompaniescity | String | City |
acquisitionscompaniesstate | String | State |
acquisitionscompaniescountry | String | Country |
acquisitionscompaniescompanyId | Integer | Company ID |
application/json example
{ "requestedCompany": { "name": "InsideView, Inc.", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "country": "United States", "companyId": 781163
"currentCompanyID": 1755 }, "familyTree": { "familyTreeCompany": { "name": "InsideView, Inc.", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "country": "United States", "companyId": 781163 }, "children": [ { "familyTreeCompany": { "name": "InsideView Inc. (Austin)", "city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "country": "United States", "companyId": 16542286 } }, { "familyTreeCompany": { "name": "InsideView Technologies (India) Pvt. LTD.", "city": "Hyderabad", "state": "Andhra Pradesh", "country": "India", "companyId": 4068124 } } ] }, "acquisitions": { "companies": [ { "name": "TrueAdvantage, Inc.", "city": "Southborough", "state": "MA", "country": "United States", "companyId": 667852 } ] } }
application/xml example
<familyTreeInfo> <requestedCompany> <companyId>781163</companyId> <city>San Francisco</city> <country>United States</country> <name>InsideView, Inc.</name> <state>CA</state>
<currentCompanyId>1755<currentCompanyId> </requestedCompany> <familyTree> <children> <child> <children/> <familyTreeCompany> <companyId>16542286</companyId> <city>Austin</city> <country>United States</country> <name>InsideView Inc. (Austin)</name> <state>TX</state> </familyTreeCompany> </child> <child> <children/> <familyTreeCompany> <companyId>4068124</companyId> <city>Hyderabad</city> <country>India</country> <name>InsideView Technologies (India) Pvt. LTD.</name> <state>Andhra Pradesh</state> </familyTreeCompany> </child> </children> <familyTreeCompany> <companyId>781163</companyId> <city>San Francisco</city> <country>United States</country> <name>InsideView, Inc.</name> <state>CA</state> </familyTreeCompany> </familyTree> <acquisitions/> </familyTreeInfo>
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.
HTTP 404
Invalid ID, record not found.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.