Granting Access to InsideView Refresh for a Standard (Non-Admin) User in Salesforce CRM

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This article provides steps to grant access to InsideView Refresh for a non-administrator in Salesforce CRM.

Note: By default, access to InsideView Refresh requires Salesforce CRM administrative privileges. For that reason, a Salesforce administrator has to use these steps to grant access to InsideView Refresh for a non-administrative user. This requires a modification to the standard profile (or an administrator must create a custom profile) in the Salesforce CRM. 

You grant access to Non-Admin user to InsideView Refresh by modifying the custom profile account object permissions or using the permission sets to modify profile settings. You grant access in two different ways described below.

Modify the Custom Profile Settings to Grant Access

In Salesforce CRM, profiles define how users access objects and data and what they can do with the application. For more information about profiles, read Salesforce help documentation.

Note: A user with custom profile must have Salesforce license type for accessing InsideView Refresh.

Follow these steps to grant access to a user with a custom profile: 

Step Description Details
1 Open Profiles page Go to Setup > Manage Users> Profiles.


2 Select a custom profile On the Profiles page, select the standard user profile and click the Edit link.

3 Modify the Object permissions On the Standard User page, scroll down to the Object Permission region and select the Read, Write, Edit, View All and Modify All check boxes for the Accounts object.

 Click Save.

4 Set field-level security settings For retriving successful matches, make the fields visible by following these steps:
  • Go to Build > Customize > Accounts > Fields.
  • Select any field that you want to enrich and click the Set Field-Level Security settings.


  • Select the Visible check box for the custom profile that you want enrich as illustrated below: 


5 Save Click Save.

Use Permission Sets to Grant Access 

In Salesforce CRM, a permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions. The permission sets are also found in profiles, but permission sets extend users’ functional access without changing their profiles. For more information about permission sets, Salesforce Help documentation.

Follow these steps to grant access to InsideView Refresh using permission sets:

Step Description Details
1 Open Profiles page Go to Setup > Manage Users> Permission Sets.


2 Select a permission set On the Permission Sets page, click the Permission Set link to edit .

3 Select the Object Settings On the Permission Set Overview page, click the Object Permissions link.

4 Select the Account object On the Object Settings page, click the Account link.

5 Modify the Object Permissions On the Object Permissions page, click Edit and select the Read, Write, Edit, View All and Modify All check boxes for the Account object.

Click Save.


6 Set field-level security settings For retriving successful matches, make the fields visible by following these steps:
  • Go to Build > Customize > Accounts > Fields.
  • Select any field that you want to enrich and click the Set Field-Level Security settings.


  • Select the Visible check box for all fields that you want to be enriched as illustrated below:


    Note: Profiles and permission sets both have field-level permissions, which must be set to visible. Otherwise, there are chances of failure to update account data. 

7 Save Click Save.


Now, the standard user can access InsideView Refresh using his/her Salesforce CRM login credentials.