Use the Company Logos API to retrieve logo urls for a specific company. The logos are available in three different sizes(100px, 200px, 400px). Note that not all companies have logos.
To get list of available Logo urls:
To fetch the logo of fixed size for a company:
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes |
Valid access token. |
Accept | String | No | Selects the response's content type. Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default). |
URI Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
companyId | Integer | Yes | A valid company ID |
logoSize | integer | No | Valid values are 100, 200 and 400 |
Here are the major responses the API may return.
For details on the errors, see API Error Codes.
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
companyLogos | Array | Array of urls |
application/json Example
{ "companyLogos": [ "", "", "" ],
"companyId": 726263,
"currentCompanyId": 1755 }
application/xml Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <companyLogos> <companyLogo></companyLogo> <companyLogo></companyLogo> <companyLogo></companyLogo> <companyId>736233</companyId>
HTTP 400
{ "errorType": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "status": 400, "message": "400-135", "diagnosticCode": "cukmhd5fn3sjkc08trp9", "errorNumber": "Company logo for the given company id 3355 is not present." }
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.