Use the Company News feed API to retrieve uncategorized news for a specific company.
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes |
Valid access token. |
Accept | String | No |
Selects the response's content type. Use below mentioned values to access New News Platform based search application/ application/ |
URI Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
companyId | Integer | Yes | A valid company ID |
Query Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
page | Integer | No | The page number of the result-set to return. Default: 1 |
resultsPerPage | Integer | No | The number of results in a page request. Min: 1, Max: 50, Default: 20 |
Here are the major responses the API may return.
For details on the errors, see API Error Codes.
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
companyId | String | Normal company Id |
companyNews | Array | Array of company news |
companyNews title | String | News title |
companyNews url | String | News URL |
companyNews publicationDate | Date | Publication date and time (PST) of the article |
companyNews source | String | Article source |
companyNews imageUrl | String | URL of an image from the article. |
page | Integer | Page number in the result set |
resultsPerPage | Integer | Number of search result per page |
totalResults | Integer | Total number of search results |
application/json Example
{ "companyNews": [ { "title": "Appointment of new chairman and board members to the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Board", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Mon Nov 30 02:37:53 PST 2015", "source": "Noodls" }, { "title": "Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Market worth 56.05 Billion USD by 2020", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Mon Nov 30 01:53:39 PST 2015", "source": "Noodls" }, { "title": "IDC MarketScape: U.S. Managed Workflow Services Hardcopy 2015 Vendor Assessment — Building on MPDS", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Mon Nov 30 01:38:44 PST 2015", "source": "IDC" }, { "title": "Banks Supplant Oil in Destroying Earnings Growth Outlook", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Mon Nov 30 00:25:39 PST 2015", "source": "Bloomberg" }, { "title": "The Daily Dose Europe: EU wants bigger role privacy watchdogs; Virgin Media wins final Rovi patent case", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Mon Nov 30 00:20:46 PST 2015", "source": "SNL Financial", "imageUrl": "" }, { "title": "Company Shares of Actua Corporation (NASDAQ:ACTA) Rally 1.23%", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 21:36:49 PST 2015", "source": "OTC Outlook" }, { "title": "Is it a Loon or is it a drone? Google seeks experimental radio license in US", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 20:15:38 PST 2015", "source": "The Register" }, { "title": "Focus on biz plan to get venture capital funding", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 18:32:35 PST 2015", "source": "Brunei Times" }, { "title": "Three Goldman bankers leave for Uber as tech world raids Wall Street talent", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 16:22:22 PST 2015", "source": "Daily Times" }, { "title": "Snapdeal to roll out advertising platform", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 11:06:25 PST 2015", "source": "", "imageUrl": "" }, { "title": "Former Deputy Mayor Greg Hinote joins The Ingram Group", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 05:47:12 PST 2015", "source": "Tennessean", "imageUrl": "" }, { "title": "How Eric Schmidt Helped You Save $55 on the New Raspberry Pi", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 05:43:36 PST 2015", "source": "Bidness Etc" }, { "title": "Messaging apps fraught with risk", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sun Nov 29 04:24:08 PST 2015", "source": "Investment Executive" }, { "title": "No-sweat risk-taker Arora lets ¥60 billion ride on SoftBank’s future", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 20:27:26 PST 2015", "source": "Japan Times" }, { "title": "No-sweat risk-taker Arora lets ¥60 billion ride on SoftBank's future", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 20:26:22 PST 2015", "source": "Japan Times" }, { "title": "Zeke Ashton Divests Himself of Stake in Greenlight Capital", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 19:09:44 PST 2015", "source": "Guru Focus" }, { "title": "13 Critical Video SEO tips", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 13:02:10 PST 2015", "source": "Business 2 Community", "imageUrl": "" }, { "title": "Alphabet Inc New Wearable Could Resemble A Monocle", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 07:37:08 PST 2015", "source": "Bidness Etc" }, { "title": "This Is Google’s Next Generation Autonomous Car", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 07:12:27 PST 2015", "source": "Bidness Etc" }, { "title": "Yelp Inc Triumphs in Lawsuit Over Misleading Reviews", "url": "", "publicationDate": "Sat Nov 28 06:57:23 PST 2015", "source": "Bidness Etc" } ], "page": 1, "resultsPerPage": 20, "totalResults": 1859, "companyId": "736233"
"currentCompanyId": 1755 }
application/xml Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <news> <companyId>736233</companyId>
<currentCompanyId>1755</currentCompanyId> <article> <publicationDate>Mon Nov 30 02:37:53 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Noodls</source> <title>Appointment of new chairman and board members to the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Board</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Mon Nov 30 01:53:39 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Noodls</source> <title>Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Market worth 56.05 Billion USD by 2020</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Mon Nov 30 01:38:44 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>IDC</source> <title>IDC MarketScape: U.S. Managed Workflow Services Hardcopy 2015 Vendor Assessment — Building on MPDS</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Mon Nov 30 00:25:39 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Bloomberg</source> <title>Banks Supplant Oil in Destroying Earnings Growth Outlook</title> <url>> </article> <article> <imageUrl></imageUrl> <publicationDate>Mon Nov 30 00:20:46 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>SNL Financial</source> <title>The Daily Dose Europe: EU wants bigger role privacy watchdogs; Virgin Media wins final Rovi patent case</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 21:36:49 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>OTC Outlook</source> <title>Company Shares of Actua Corporation (NASDAQ:ACTA) Rally 1.23%</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 20:15:38 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>The Register</source> <title>Is it a Loon or is it a drone? Google seeks experimental radio license in US</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 18:32:35 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Brunei Times</source> <title>Focus on biz plan to get venture capital funding</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 16:22:22 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Daily Times</source> <title>Three Goldman bankers leave for Uber as tech world raids Wall Street talent</title> <url>> </article> <article> <imageUrl>> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 11:06:25 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source></source> <title>Snapdeal to roll out advertising platform</title> <url>> </article> <article> <imageUrl>> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 05:47:12 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Tennessean</source> <title>Former Deputy Mayor Greg Hinote joins The Ingram Group</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 05:43:36 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Bidness Etc</source> <title>How Eric Schmidt Helped You Save $55 on the New Raspberry Pi</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sun Nov 29 04:24:08 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Investment Executive</source> <title>Messaging apps fraught with risk</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 20:27:26 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Japan Times</source> <title>No-sweat risk-taker Arora lets ¥60 billion ride on SoftBank’s future</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 20:26:22 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Japan Times</source> <title>No-sweat risk-taker Arora lets ¥60 billion ride on SoftBank's future</title> <url>> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 19:09:44 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Guru Focus</source> <title>Zeke Ashton Divests Himself of Stake in Greenlight Capital</title> <url>> </article> <article> <imageUrl>> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 13:02:10 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Business 2 Community</source> <title>13 Critical Video SEO tips</title> <url></url> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 07:37:08 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Bidness Etc</source> <title>Alphabet Inc New Wearable Could Resemble A Monocle</title> <url></url> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 07:12:27 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Bidness Etc</source> <title>This Is Google’s Next Generation Autonomous Car</title> <url></url> </article> <article> <publicationDate>Sat Nov 28 06:57:23 PST 2015</publicationDate> <source>Bidness Etc</source> <title>Yelp Inc Triumphs in Lawsuit Over Misleading Reviews</title> <url></url> </article> <page>1</page> <resultsPerPage>20</resultsPerPage> <totalResults>1859</totalResults> </news>
HTTP 400
Invalid query parameter(s).
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.