Use the Company Competitor Information API's endpoint to retrieve competitors for a specific company using new company id. This data is mostly available for public companies only.
HTTP Headers
Header Name | Type | Required | Description |
accessToken | String | Yes |
Valid access token. |
Accept | String | No | Selects the response's content type. Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default). |
URI Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
newCompanyId | String | Yes | A valid new company ID |
Here are the major responses the API may return.
For details on the errors, see API Error Codes.
HTTP 200
Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header.
Name | type | Description |
competitors | Array | Array of competitor companies |
competitorsid | String | Company id |
competitorsname | String | Company Name |
competitorscity | String | City |
competitorsstate | String | State |
competitorscountry | String | Country |
application/json Example
{ "competitors": [ { "id": "xA6BNZPztenSEsPIC5z5CQsolUy-BvDgv8LFj0CguKwYpiFCYCW_zA3ADNCjvGiA", "name": "HP Inc", "city": "Palo Alto", "state": "CA", "country": "United States" }, { "id": "CV6D1YKT7E11t0GCN4pRkPGdooR7aaqdtMteWSLlyzhB9T6KyjJ7t4nWMCDbFzO9", "name": "Nintendo Co., Ltd", "city": "Kyotoshi", "state": "KYT", "country": "Japan" }, { "id": "xA6BNZPztenSEsPIC5z5CWGyTothLLP_njb3tnox1t9GK4p3Hp9n5YCMwSv2u0ci", "name": "Intel Corporation", "city": "Santa Clara", "state": "CA", "country": "United States" }, { "id": "544KN90XokCKSBrKF8FkX_zbVWHKLRvQ2D-tFvwbU8ouWPCLrMPDFLULvw32y7Tx", "name": "NetSuite Inc.", "city": "San Mateo", "state": "CA", "country": "United States" } ] }
application/xml Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <competitors> <competitor> <city>Palo Alto</city> <country>United States</country> <id>xA6BNZPztenSEsPIC5z5CQsolUy-BvDgv8LFj0CguKwYpiFCYCW_zA3ADNCjvGiA</id> <name>HP Inc</name> <state>CA</state> </competitor> <competitor> <city>Kyotoshi</city> <country>Japan</country> <id>CV6D1YKT7E11t0GCN4pRkPGdooR7aaqdtMteWSLlyzhB9T6KyjJ7t4nWMCDbFzO9</id> <name>Nintendo Co., Ltd</name> <state>KYT</state> </competitor> <competitor> <city>Santa Clara</city> <country>United States</country> <id>xA6BNZPztenSEsPIC5z5CWGyTothLLP_njb3tnox1t9GK4p3Hp9n5YCMwSv2u0ci</id> <name>Intel Corporation</name> <state>CA</state> </competitor> <competitor> <city>Mountain View</city> <country>United States</country> <id>544KN90XokCKSBrKF8FkX9TK36DcZ_wFZdBkHTfTq5Bv_AS6Z9Ma_ouRmZFPiPIu</id> <name>Google, Inc.</name> <state>CA</state> </competitor> </competitors>
HTTP 400
Invalid query parameter(s).
HTTP 401
Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.
HTTP 405
Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.
HTTP 429
Request is throttled.