[GET] - Contact Lookup

  • Updated

Use the Target API's Contact Lookup endpoint to search new contacts in a specific company.

The elements in the contact list contain a newid value and enough additional information such that a user could narrow down a selection from the list. Using the selected newid values you can retrieve additional contact information through the Target API's New Contact Details endpoint.


GET https://api.insideview.com/api/v1/target/company/{companyId}/contacts


HTTP Headers

Header Name Type Required Description
accessToken String Yes

Valid access token.
See Authentication and Authorization Overview for more details.

Accept String No Selects the response's content type.  
Valid values are application/json and application/xml (default).

URI Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
companyId string Yes A valid string and integer company ID

Query Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
jobFunctionV2 Integer No A comma-separated list of a newer version of job function ID.
See API Reference Data for a list of IDs.
jobLevelV2 Integer No A comma-separated list of a newer version of job level ID.
See API Reference Data for a list of IDs.
jobFunction Integer No A comma-separated list of job function ID.
See API Reference Data for a list of IDs.
jobLevel Integer No A comma-separated list of job level ID.
See API Reference Data for a list of IDs.
keyword String No Keyword string that will be matched against titles
peopleStates String No Comma separated list of States
peopleCities String No Comma separated list of Cities
peopleArea String No Area for the search
peopleAddress String No Address for the search
active String No  If present will return only active or inactive records, depending on the value (true or false)
isEmailRequired String No If present and equals to true, the API will return only contact having an email address. 
isPhoneRequired String No If present and equals to true, the API will return only contact having a phone number.
phoneType String  No

Accepts DIRECT, CORP, MOBILE, and ANY to find the corresponding contact's phone numbers. 

Note: The Direct phone number is only available for InsideView customers and not OEM partners.

Mobile phone numbers are now available via the InsideView APIs for customers and partners who have purchased Elite or the mobile phone add-on to Enterprise. 

emailValidationStatus String  No  It allows you to retrieve the validation status of the email. You can enter a comma-separated string with possible values i.e. ValidDomain and ValidEmail.  
minContactConfidenceScore String  No  The minimum contact confidence score. The valid values range from 0 to 100
maxContactConfidenceScore String  No  The maximum contact confidence score. The valid values range from 0 to 100.  
page Integer No The page number of the result-set to return.
Default: 1
resultsPerPage Integer No The number of results in a page request.
Min: 1, Max: 50, Default: 10
hasContactInfo Boolean No Pass it as 'true' to filter contacts with either a phone number or email. When you pass it as 'false', contact records in response will neither have a phone number nor email.
excludedContacts String No Comma separated contact ids not part of result.

1: the request should include at least one of the three mandatory parameters. 

HTTP 200 Responses

Here are the major responses the API may return.

For details on the errors, see API Error Codes.

Returns either a JSON or XML data structure depending on the request Accept header. 

Name type Description
contacts Array  Array of search results
contacts contactId String  InsideView New Contact ID 
contacts companyId Integer Contact's InsideView Company ID
contacts companyName String Contact's company name
contacts titles List List of titles (String)
contacts emailMD5Hash String MD5 hash of the contact's email
contacts active Boolean Indicate if the contact record corresponds to an active or inactive employment
contactsemailValidationStatus String Indicates the status of the email such as ValidEmail or ValidDomain
contacts hasEmail Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes an email address
contacts hasPhone Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a phone number
contacts phoneType String Indicate if the contact record includes a corporate, direct or mobile phone number of an executive
contacts hasFacebookHandle Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a Facebook handle
contacts hasLinkedinHandle Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a LinkedIn handle
contacts hasTwitterHandle Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a Twitter handle
contactsjobLevels List List of job levels ( String )
contactsjobFunctions List List of job functions ( String )
contactspeopleId String People id of the contact
page Integer Page number in the result set
resultsPerPage Integer Number of search result per page
totalResults Integer Total number of search results


Type: application/json


  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "The list of contact Search Results",
  "properties": {
    "contacts": {
      "id": "contacts",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "id": "0",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "contactId": {
            "id": "contactId",
            "type": "string"
          "companyId": {
            "id": "companyId",
            "type": "integer"
          "companyName": {
            "id": "companyName",
            "type": "string"
          "titles": {
		      "id": "titles",
		      "type": "array",
		      "items": {
		        "id": "0",
		        "type": "string"
          "emailMd5Hash": {
            "id": "emailMd5Hash",
            "type": "string"
          "emailValidationStatus": {
            "id": "emailValidationStatus",
            "type": "string"
          "emails": {
            "id": "emails",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
              "id": "0",
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "emailMd5Hash": {
                  "id": "emailMd5Hash",
                  "type": "string"
                "validationStatus": {
                  "id": "validationStatus",
                  "type": "string"
          "hasPhone": {
            "id": "hasPhone",
            "type": "boolean"
          "hasEmail": {
            "id": "hasEmail",
            "type": "boolean"
          "hasFacebookHandle": {
            "id": "hasFacebookHandle",
            "type": "boolean"
          "hasTwitterHandle": {
            "id": "hasTwitterHandle",
            "type": "boolean"
          "hasLinkedInHandle": {
            "id": "hasLinkedInHandle",
            "type": "boolean"
          "active": {
            "id": "active",
            "type": "boolean"
          "jobLevels": {
		      "id": "jobLevels",
		      "type": "array",
		      "items": {
		        "id": "0",
		        "type": "string"
		  "jobFunctions": {
		      "id": "jobFunctions",
		      "type": "array",
		      "items": {
		        "id": "0",
		        "type": "string"
		  "jobLevelsV2": {
      		  "id": "jobLevelsV2",
      		  "type": "array",
            "items": {
               "id": "0",
               "type": "object",
               "properties": {
                     "id": {
                        "id": "id",
                        "type": "string"
                     "name": {
                        "id": "name",
                        "type": "string"
    	  "jobFunctionsV2": {
      		 "id": "jobFunctionsV2",
     		   "type": "array",
    	     "items": {
               "id": "0",
               "type": "object",
               "properties": {
                     "id": {
                        "id": "id",
                        "type": "string"
                     "name": {
                        "id": "name",
                        "type": "string"
		  "peopleId": {
            "id": "peopleId",
            "type": "string"
          "confidenceScore": {
            "id": "confidenceScore",
            "type": "number"
    "totalResults": {
      "id": "totalResults",
      "type": "string"
    "page": {
      "id": "page",
      "type": "string"
    "resultsPerPage": {
      "id": "resultsPerPage",
      "type": "string"


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  "page": 1,
  "resultsPerPage": 10,
  "contacts": [
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      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Vice President, Global Sales & Operations at Google Enterprise"
      "hasPhone": true,
      "hasEmail": false,
      "hasFacebookHandle": false,
      "hasTwitterHandle": true,
      "hasLinkedInHandle": true,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
            "id": "22",
            "name": "Others"
      "peopleId": "6Kt1XlclfGkwwkQ5PIESSW_CRg8xeyyurp9tKxtLR8wpEAOnrj91y0pspSxm-xOv",
      "confidenceScore": 0.70
      "contactId": "1WhHImR7pXLvHsM8ffnIoRZHtWJVI1eFKImfMp3NILEnb7YYBaY6QCkDlL7GihCL",
      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Regional Director Sales and Marketing, New York"
      "hasPhone": true,
      "hasEmail": false,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
            "id": "22",
            "name": "Others"
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      "confidenceScore": 0.71
      "contactId": "1WhHImR7pXLvHsM8ffnIoQTI61766HdRPBFxSgKOM9usaXKc08BPWmQIcqa3zmUO",
      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Head of Inside Sales"
      "hasPhone": true,
      "hasEmail": false,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
            "id": "22",
            "name": "Others"
      "peopleId": "QDi0k2FHovaLby53gzAstRLVV7Ca8NEa5YQNzgaCps0fq1NQnTFn4tktj0KDY4se",
      "confidenceScore": 0.72
      "contactId": "1WhHImR7pXLvHsM8ffnIoRogk84kWjwD4eZurWxTMQgTFe39Zgn58lQBOIKspZgI",
      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        " Head of Geo Sales - North America"
      "emailMd5Hash": "4e246e2056d2549a9b4f9c2629c981fb",
      "emailValidationStatus": "ValidDomain",
      "emails": [
      	  "emailMd5Hash":  "4e246e2056d2549a9b4f9c2629c981fb",
          "validationStatus": "ValidDomain"	
      "hasPhone": false,
      "hasEmail": true,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
            "id": "22",
            "name": "Others"
      "peopleId": "vGu40RAISSkU8-EIxrQf3VlNush8kVJqN7kTNc8M3iTnXH7laM0TiUSrZ5P_It3f",
      "confidenceScore": 0.73
      "contactId": "1WhHImR7pXLvHsM8ffnIoUBiTnMzQj1xIKLcQ8wTAgglV8zKmJrRElrJj6mbzLk3",
      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Vice President US Sales, Retail and Technology"
      "hasPhone": false,
      "hasEmail": false,
      "hasFacebookHandle": false,
      "hasTwitterHandle": false,
      "hasLinkedInHandle": true,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
            "id": "22",
            "name": "Others"
      "peopleId": "Jp9AT6SgeYMeVE1r9XzsMOYsB74Vj2mtsDnLoDHSnTptWAL59kuRQiher8LqJYSb",
      "confidenceScore": 0.74
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      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Head of Performance Media Agencies, Agency Business Development"
      "emailMd5Hash": "cc4ad9d6b381c7294a9a5a5fca6f1101",
      "emailValidationStatus": "ValidDomain",
      "emails": [
      	  "emailMd5Hash":  "cc4ad9d6b381c7294a9a5a5fca6f1101",
          "validationStatus": "ValidDomain"	
      "hasPhone": true,
      "hasEmail": true,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
            "id": "22",
            "name": "Others"
      "peopleId": "Kq0yVOh7LeVuf7g8OIRD37EOXNPXQWYewYqG6nxfNtmuN781Vf4XvmuMbAtFsfat",
      "confidenceScore": 0.75
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      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Sales Operations, Enterprise Team"
      "hasPhone": true,
      "hasEmail": false,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Board Member"
            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
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      "peopleId": "6Kt1XlclfGkwwkQ5PIESSTewIAgesJAIf_lQNaGuRZTD2aHDUyKNmM8b7h9LaCSw",
      "confidenceScore": 0.76
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      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Director of Sales, Google Enterprise"
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      "hasEmail": false,
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      "hasTwitterHandle": false,
      "hasLinkedInHandle": false,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
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            "id": "0",
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            "id": "1",
            "name": "C Level"
      "jobFunctionsV2": [
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      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Director of Programmatic Media & Platform Sales"
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      "hasEmail": false,
      "hasFacebookHandle": true,
      "hasTwitterHandle": false,
      "hasLinkedInHandle": true,
      "active": true,
      "jobLevels": [
      "jobFunctions": [
      "jobLevelsV2": [
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      "jobFunctionsV2": [
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      "confidenceScore": 0.78
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      "companyId": 736233,
      "companyName": "Google, Inc.",
      "titles": [
        "Head of Sales, DoubleClick Media Platforms"
      "emailMd5Hash": "23b23f15fa471046259fb84bd1bb5bad",
      "emailValidationStatus": "ValidEmail",
      "emails": [
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      "hasEmail": true,
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            "id": "1",
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      "jobFunctionsV2": [
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      "peopleId": "544KN90XokCKSBrKF8FkX9A9kgHejWA4XpDcmBS_nttlzlcW5LvQNIbtOXNPSDla",
      "confidenceScore": 0.79

Type: application/xml


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Vice President, Global Sales &amp; Operations at Google Enterprise</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Regional Director Sales and Marketing, New York</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Head of Inside Sales</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles> Head of Geo Sales - North America</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Vice President US Sales, Retail and Technology</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Head of Performance Media Agencies, Agency Business Development</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Sales Operations, Enterprise Team</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Director of Sales, Google Enterprise</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Director of Programmatic Media &amp; Platform Sales</titles>
        <companyName>Google, Inc.</companyName>
                <name>Board Member</name>
                <name>C Level</name>
        <titles>Head of Sales, DoubleClick Media Platforms</titles>


HTTP 400

Invalid query parameter(s).

HTTP 401

Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.

HTTP 405

Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.

HTTP 429

Request is throttled.