[GET] - Contact Lookup Job Results

  • Updated

Use the Contact Lookup Job Results endpoint to download the results of a job.


GET https://api.insideview.com/api/v1/target/company/job/{jobId}/results


HTTP Headers

Header Name Type Required Description
accessToken String Yes Valid access token.
See Authentication and Authorization Overview for more details.

URI Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
jobId String Yes Job ID


Here are the major responses the API may return.

For details on the errors, see API Error Codes.

HTTP 200

Returns a CSV file containing the results of the job.


Name type Description
ID String Query ID from the submitted data file
CONTACT_ID String  InsideView New Contact ID 
COMPANY_ID Integer Contact's InsideView Company ID
COMPANY_NAME String Contact's company name
TITLES List List of titles (String)
EMAILMD5HASH String MD5 hash of the contact's email
FAILURE_REASON String Error details if the query was malformed
HAS_EMAIL Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes an email address
HAS_PHONE Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a phone number
HAS_FACEBOOKHANDLE Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a Facebook handle
HAS_LINKEDINHANDLE Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a LinkedIn handle
HAS_TWITTERHANDLE Boolean Indicate if the contact record includes a Twitter handle
ACTIVE Boolean Indicate if the contact correspond to an active or inactive employment.
JOB_LEVEL list list of job levels ( String )
JOB_FUNCTION list list of job functions ( String )
PEOPLE_ID String People Id



The organizational structure of a company (globalParent, uncategorized, subsidiary, group, independent) 



Company status (operating, non-Operating, acquired, liquidating, outOfBusiness, unassigned



Company type (public, private, government, organization, unknown)



Number of company sites



Number of company sites that has site related information



Type of a site


CSV data example (when retriveCompanyDetails = false )

"5",,,,,,"Job Level is not valid.400-216",,,,,,,,,
"6",,,,,,"Job Level is not valid.400-216",,,,,,,,,
"7",,,,,,"Job Function is not valid.400-217",,,,,,,,,
"11","RciV4L2fOsbJI0KsBj0TuFLD6uS9WJeyoAAihU4rrO4xkgcs1xTcj7NTepDOSC1u","736233","Alphabet Inc","Executive Chairman","6f54d9085c31b1076c4b9a5177970a1b",,"true","true","true","true","false","true","1|6","8","OXmKat9amKWdrFOigrXW_uQabLOagcskDxynC3NOQ5HCA5Mu05H2ubevMZEGEs7l"
"11","RciV4L2fOsbJI0KsBj0TuHR-n-eVijbSqKftVYKL9dY2VokGzeb5LXWFqhgYOXQu","736233","Alphabet Inc","Chief Executive Officer, Director","2c3a6962ad91184a09f3b2332db2af73",,"true","true","true","false","false","true","4|1|6","8","IDivDfKDNZlvpSQVZ2EixGJtCH_tFp4_rHYEQGR82V9O8zeBFoSY7zCpgjkBwOti"
"11","JJHVdwuRdTpDMmhdAPrVhAV2xquC_42QfzTka3Cn_wgbPOvDduBoBcQMRjw0-ZuG","736233","Alphabet Inc","Director",,,"true","false","false","true","false","true","6","8","wWB1D8zzE-FRl18mn92Fzl_gU13xRHaxXAvE0mVDuBD4lUoGNz12OsTt1wEUQOfV"
"11","OXmKat9amKWdrFOigrXW_hYljClMxMTHr4Gcn267Zry4vvsrL0DGPwoXgXQLWWnD","736233","Alphabet Inc","Chief Information Officer",,,"true","false","true","true","false","true","1","7","WbVeU4pMrZsnEsnRkCtIizpt6e3GpN5okNEA4Y6cj-AhD2mqhGWkgciRsgwtMD8J"
"11","RciV4L2fOsbJI0KsBj0TuLekBD8wKCbTo5MSehlgdn4ks1WIDxT3MA841p2zPewr","736233","Alphabet Inc","Director",,,"true","false","true","true","false","true","6","8","sXwUpQVl7z4oC43XaXjJqn-Ij2C4CXTn7GaxDARXpUwHYeSQTrGPu5V80vQtnC19"
"11","RciV4L2fOsbJI0KsBj0TuD92o7n5TPnI_0PFbfOJa5qmJhqctXBll_M0f6YOR7QK","736233","Alphabet Inc","Industry Director of Retail",,,"true","false","false","false","true","true","4","8","wWB1D8zzE-FRl18mn92Fzlf1yoEiHKwC-hxUOyM5pzFFQAdm5u_3dFsewbhya2Zv"

HTTP 400

Invalid query parameter(s).

HTTP 401

Unauthorized Error - Cannot use API's without setting a valid accessToken in header.

HTTP 401

Unauthorized Error - You are not authorized to access this API.

HTTP 405

Method Not Allowed - Your are not allowed to access this API.

HTTP 404

Invalid ID, record not found.

HTTP 429

Request is throttled.


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