Editing an Existing Market Segment

  • Updated

InsideView Apex allows you to edit an existing market segment with various options that are available to choose from in the left pane. Here’s how:

Step Description Details
 1 Log in to InsideView Apex Log in to InsideView Admin Portal with user credentials.
 2 Select a Market Segment Click Apex and select the Market Segments link and click on the market segment that you want to edit.

 3 Edit a Market Segment name From the market segment visualizations page, you can edit the search criteria in the left pane by clicking the pencil_icon.png Pencil or + Add icon.

You can also change the name of your market segment. For example, change Banking Companies to US Banking Companies by clicking the edit icon next to the segment name.

edit_name.png edit_name_new.png

 4 Modify Search Criteria Click the add_icon.png icon to add new search criteria.


The Filters dialog opens.


In the Filters dialog, select the Companies tab to enter the following company search criteria:


Company Location: Enter the company location filter by selecting the following options:

  • Geography: You can either search by region, country, or state/province or click the View Map link to select locations on the map.


    • To select multiple countries, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.


    • Click Country on the Map to toggle to a country map.
    • Select Regions from the geographical region such as Asia or Middle East from the drop-down list. To select multiple regions, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.


  • City: Select City from the Locations list then enter a city's name in the City field.


  • Postal Codes: Select Postal Codes from the Locations list, then enter the postal code(s) in the input field. Use asterisk (*) to specify a range of postal/zip codes.
    • Optionally you can first select a country to further narrow your search results


  • Area Codes: Select Area Codes from the Locations list, then enter the area code(s) in the input field to search for companies operating in the United States and Canada regions.


  • Country: In the Map view, click the Country tab to select the following countries:
    • United States
    • Australia
    • Canada
    • India
    • New Zealand


For example, select the United States option to filter based on states in the USA.


Once you have selected all states, click Done to return to the Filters dialog.

 5 Enter Industry Classification filters In the Companies tab, select an industry from the Industry drop-down list, then select any applicable sub-industries. For example, select the Banks industry and Commercial Banking sub-industry.


  • In the Industry Classification area, select the NAICS to enter the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of a company. The maximum number of NAICS codes that you can enter is 150 for each search. You can enter multiple NAICS codes separated by commas.


    You can also use the wild card asterisk (*) for building a list of companies with partial NAICS code. With the NAICS code wildcard(*) search, you can find companies in a wider list of industries without specifying all child industries.  

    For example, if you search to find all companies under 'Electronics' (NAICS code - 334) and all of the other industries nested under 'Electronics', user can simply add NAICS code as '334*' as a search criterion.

  • In the Industry Classification area, select the SIC to enter the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes of a company. For example, enter the SIC code for the Bank of America company as 6021.


6 Enter company names In the Companies tab, select the Company Name option from the drop-down list to search with the name of the company.

Enter the company name or select from type ahead suggestions. For example of enter Bank of America Corporation or select any result from the suggestions as illustrated:


7 Enter company status In the Filters dialog, select the Companies tab, select the Company Status option to choose the status of a company from the drop-down list.

For example, you can select Operating, Subsidiary, or Acquired.


Note: Click the toggle to enable the Include out of business companies option to search all companies that are not operating.

8 Enter Fiscal Year End (FYE) In the Companies tab, select the Fiscal Year End option to choose the fiscal year-end month of a public company from the drop-down list.


9 Enter the ownership type In the Companies tab, select the Ownership Type of a company from the drop-down list.

For example, you can select Public, Private or Government.


10 Enter the Ticker value In the Companies tab, select the Ticker option to search for companies based on their stock market ticker symbol. For example, enter BAC to search for the Bank of America Corporation.


Click Apply.

 11 Filter with the People search criteria Use the People tab to search for executives according to the following criteria:
    • Job Title: Search for people with specific keywords in their title. 

      For example, enter the Job Title as “business development” and press enter. You can enter multiple job title keywords.

    • Job Function: Search for people by their role or department. 

      For example, select Finance or Human Resources. You can enter multiple job functions.

    • Job Level: Search for people by seniority in their role.

      For example, select C-Level, Vice President, and Senior Executive to build a list of people in senior management roles. 


In the People tab, select the Contact Location filter to search for contacts based on their location. Enter the name of a city, state, or  country select from the type ahead suggestions to choose locations as illustrated:


If you have entered values for a company location, employee count, industry, revenue, or other company search criteria and you wish to modify them or add more filters, read the article Creating a Market Segment article in our Knowledge Base.

Use the Contact Info list to search for people according to the following criteria:


  • Select the Email option to search for executives with an email validation status of Valid Email and Valid Domain.
  • You can also select the Direct Phone or Corporate Phone to search executives with phone numbers.
  • Select the Direct Phone search filter to find contacts that have a direct phone number available in the InsideView database.

Use the Social Network filter to search only for those executives who are on one of the following social networking sites: Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

12 Filter with Insights search criteria On the “Edit Market Segment” page, click the plus (+) button to open the Filters dialog and select the Insights tab to add additional company search criteria.


In the Insights tab, click Annual Lists & Indexes to find companies that appear on the FTSE 100, Fortune Global 2000, Fortune 500, Fortune1000, Inc 5000, Russell 3000, and/or S&P 500.


In the Insights tab, click Agents under News area to search with 18 standard InsideView Agents. InsideView Agents group news articles into categories that indicate buying triggers such as New Offerings, Acquisitions, Partnerships, Expanding Operations, Cost Cutting, and Outperforming.


To modify agents as per your business requirement, follow these steps:
  • Select the number of days. For example, select the Last 30 Days option.


  • Select Agents from the News card along with the date range and click the plus (+) icon. Select a news agent that is relevant to your business. For example, select the Acquisitions agent.
  • The Search results will show all news related to acquisitions in the last 30 days. You can toggle the number of days such as Last 15 Days, Last 7 Days, or Last 1 Day.
  • Select the Keyword option and click the plus (+) icon to search news with any keywords or company names.

    Enter a keyword that you want to search news for. For example, enter Apple, Inc.


In the Insights tab, select the Technology option and click the plus (+) icon to choose from the predefined list of technologies that companies use today.

Note: You can choose only from the list of technologies that are predefined by your InsideView CSM or an Account Admin in the Tech Settings section. For more information, read the article Managing Technographics Settings in our Knowledge Base.


For example, you can enter Google in the search to find companies that use Google App Engine technology if this technology is assigned to your account.


In the Insights tab, select the Intent option and click the plus (+) icon to filter your list based on Intent topics that have been selected by your account admin. Intent topics indicate when a company is in the market to buy a particular product or service.

Note: The Intent filter is only visible to users who have purchased the Elite license and Enterprise users who have brought the “Intent” add-on package for their organization.apex.png

For example, you can enter Account in the search to find topics such as Accounting, Accounting AutomationAccount Receivable, and Account Payable.  list_build_intent1_small.png

13 Change the intent score

The Intent Score indicates how much a company has researched a particular topic over a particular week. The higher the Intent Score, the more likely that company is looking to buy a particular product or service.

To change the Intent Score value, drag the slider to the desired score range as illustrated: list_build_intent2_small.png

Click Apply and then click Search.

 14 Save changes If you do not save any search criteria before you leave a market segment page the following alert message appears:


  • Click Save Changes to save all changes.
  • Click Discard Changes to leave without saving changes.
  • Click Cancel to close dialog
 15 Save a Market Segment
  • Click Save to save all edits.
  • Click Save As to clone this market segment. For more information, read the article Copying a Market Segment in the Knowledge Base.
  • In the Market Segment page, to export the People and Company data in an .xlsx file, click Exportexport_options.png
  • For more information, read the article Exporting Market Segment Data in our Knowledge Base.
  • In the Export dialog, click Export if you want to export data. Else, click Cancel to exit.export_msg.png

Note: The total number of company and people records that you can export is based on the InsideView Target export balance available for that account.