This set of instructions is for all users who are installing the Demandbase package for the first time. You can enable Demandbase Sales Intelligence in Salesforce classic edition using any one of the following procedures:
- Configuring Demandbase CRM View in Page Layout
- Configuring the Demandbase Custom Tab in the Navigation Bar
- Managing the Custom Tabs for Salesforce User Profiles
Add the Demandbase app in Accounts, Leads, Contacts, and Opportunity objects.
Configuring Demandbase CRM View in Page Layout
The following instructions describe how to add Demandbase in the Account object. To learn how to install Demandbase Sales Intelligence, click here.
Step | Description | Details |
1 | Customize | Under Build, click Customize.
2 | Go to the Page Layout | Click Accounts to and click Page Layouts.
3 | Edit an account page layout | In the Account Page Layout, select the page layout that you wish to edit. For example, click the edit link for the Account Layout as shown below:
4 | Add section | Under Account Layout, click Section and drag and drop it under Account Detail.
5 | Enter Section Properties | In the Section Properties dialog box, do the following: - In the Section Name box, type Demandbase. Click OK. |
6 | Drag the Demandbase connector | Select Visualforce Pages under Account Layout, click InsideView Account Connector, drag and drop it in the Demandbase section you created. |
7 | Go to Properties | In the InsideView Account Connector section, click Properties.
8 | Change the Connected App Properties |
In the Connect App Properties dialog, change Height (in pixels) to 600-800 and click OK. Check Show Scrollbar to enable scrolling in the iFrame. |
9 | Add Data Integrity Component |
Note: This step is applicable only if you have purchased Data Integrity. Select Buttons under Account Layout, click Data Integrity Update button, drag and drop it in the Custom Buttons section. |
10 | Save the changes and repeat steps | Click Save to save the updated page layout. Repeat steps 2 - 9 to add Demandbase to Leads, Opportunities, and Contacts objects. |
11 | Install SFDC Home Page components | Click Here to install optional Salesforce Home Page components. |
Configuring the Demandbase Custom Tab in the Navigation Bar
Salesforce users can add the Demandbase custom tab to the Salesforce navigation bar themselves by following these steps:
Step | Description | Details |
1 | Customize the navigation bar |
To access Demandbase directly within Salesforce:
or, Click on the + icon in the navigation bar and then click Customize My Tabs. |
2 | Add Demandbase tab | Select the InsideView (Classic) tab from the Available Tabs list and click Add.
Use the Up and Down buttons to place the InsideView (Classic) custom tab in your preferred location. Click Save. |
3 | Access Demandbase custom tab | Once the process is completed, you can see the InsideView (Classic) custom tab on the navigation bar.
Managing the Custom Tabs for Salesforce User Profiles
Step | Description | Details |
1 | Add the Custom tab for all users |
As a Salesforce Admin, you can enable the Demandbase Custom Tab for all users at the Salesforce organization level. Note: Users can modify or remove the custom tab themselves. Follow these steps to enable the custom tab for all users:
2 | Enable the Custom tab for Profiles | If the Custom Tab is marked as hidden for a Salesforce Profile, follow these steps to enable it:
3 | Hide the custom tab for specific profiles |
If you want to hide the Demandbase tab for certain user profiles with no access to Demandbase, follow these steps to do so: