Target FAQs

  • Updated

How does Target calculate credits balance?

Target charges for the units that you have used. So you only pay for what you use. Every unique record that you export is accounted for from your credit balance i.e. one contact export = one credit. For a period of one year, you can export the same data without being billed again.

How is the contract term calculated?

For the purposes of tracking and calculation, Demandbase uses the date set by your Customer Success Manager (CSM) in the Contract Start Date field while onboarding a new customer as the start date for a contract.

Note: A contract term should be valid for a minimum of 30 days (one month). If your CSM enters contract term as 12 months, then it is calculated based on the contract start date.

What happens after a year if I export the same leads into marketing automation applications?

After one year, if you export the record, the credit amount for that record is deducted from your credit balance and your account is not charged again for consecutive year.

Target will track credits used, and the customer is not charged for the same contact twice, within a given contract with Demandbase (usually 12 months.)

What happens if multiple users from my account export the same data?

If more than one user from your account exports the same data, your account is charged only once for the first export. 

Target uses data deduplication to prevent the customer from being charged for contacts they already have.  

Why does an access token expire? 

An access token expires due to NO active usage of your Salesforce CRM account. To mitigate this inactivity issue, you must login to your Salesforce CRM instance once in every 14 days.

In case Eloqua and Marketo marketing automation(MA) integrations it can happen only if there is an explicit change in permissions in the MA . An access token can also expire if your administrator revokes your access to SOAP/REST API permissions in your MA.